
Why is it so hard for some countries to win a medal?

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Why is it so hard for some countries to win a medal?




  1. Judging by the opening ceremony most of the countries had between 1 and 10 athletes. Not exactly good odds.

  2. Winning medals is not just about talent its about money, training facilities, coaches and supporting organizations.

    Not everyone lives in a country where you can get a sports scholarship. Some people have to think about working just to eat or support their folks.  

  3. mostly of population some countries have one athlete

    the only reason USA and china are winning is their population

    and micheal phelps of couse

  4. diff reasons   not good enough   , lack of funding ,

    bad training facilities

  5. Because they suck at sports

  6. Because they fail at life.  

  7. It is a combination of very little funding and the country is small and doesn't have enough talented athletes.  

  8. one reason is population, countries with a higher population have more talented people to draw on. it is similar to a large high school football teams that always beats some smaller districts.

  9. small populations to pick from.

  10. Corrupt governments that don't support their athletes like they should.

  11. Several reasons.  First is population.  A country with many people (U.S.A., China, Russia, etc.) has a larger pool of athletes to choose from.  If you take the best athletes from a country of 250 million, and the best athletes from a country of 1 million, chances are the bigger country will win more medals.  Not *every* medal, of course, because a great athlete might come from anywhere, but larger countries can provide a lot of depth in their rosters.  Second, some countries take all athletic events more seriously than others.  In America, for example, we have excellent trainers and facilities for those who might be able to develop Olympic-level skills.  Not all countries are so supportive.  

  12. Smaller teams, little training, lack of funding ect...

  13. funding. Smaller countries are at a HUGE disadvantage. Wile countries like China (twice the population of the US) SHOULD be whipping the floor with everybody. They showed flashes of it this year.  

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