
Why is it so hard to be yourself when you're around someone you wanna impress?

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Why is it so hard to be yourself when you're around someone you wanna impress?




  1. i feel you exactly!! i think its cuz your trying to make yourself the best you can which makes you pretend because thats now how you always are and you dont realize that how you are is how it should be!! lol well here watch this

    i hope this helps!!!

  2. I understand but you really impress that person more if you remain just yourself. Don't change. If this person likes you it will be for yourself.. so have the self  confidence to be yourself and you will appear natural if you try to put on a farce.. you can't pretend for a long time to be someone else unless you are a very good actress but if you like this person then you should be true to yourself and show yourself to that person as you are otherwise this person you want to impress gets a totally wrong picture of you and you can't go on pretending .. if he or whoever it is cares, he will like you more for being just you and for being comfortable the way you are.. be at ease with yourself that shows you are relaxed and approachable and more likable than trying to be someone you aren't.. xx

  3. i believe it is because we want them to like us, so we think if we are not who we are they will think of us better. because we see many flaws in ourselves.

  4. because you feel you're not good enough maybe, and so you have to change a bit to get them to like you.  The ones that are perfect for you, are the ones who you can be yourself completely around.  It's really rare and that's why it's really special when it happens.

  5. cause ur shy and you think they'll laugh and make joke around of who are u.

  6. because most people think that people wont like their real self.

  7. because you think it so. if you think it's easy, then it would be easy.

  8. I think it's because you're stressing about who THEY want whether it be for romance, friendship or buisness. You always feel like just yourself won't measure up so you try and mold yourself into being the ideal partner, friend or employee that they are looking for. I think it has a lot to do with self-esteem, because it seems like confident people never have a hard time being themselves.  

  9. becuase you tend to become someone else that has a better personality and think that urself is not good enough to impress.

    if ur trying to be urself to impress, jsut be urself, u dont have to someone else to impress, cos that simply wont be you...

  10. No offense but you might know or think that you are lame and not want the other person to know. Or you are to eager to impress that person

  11. A lot of the time we might be afraid that who we really are won't measure up or won't interest someone we're trying to impress or someone we're interested in.  Someone we're trying to impress obviously means a lot to us, or we wouldn't be trying to impress them, so we're worried about not meeting their standards or being rejected.

    It takes time, but gradually self confidence grows and it becomes easier.  Just remember that you want that person to be impressed by YOU, not by someone you're pretending to be, even if pretending is easier.

  12. u want their affection and attention. and u don't want to show ur flaws. SO u be someone who u are not but once ur comfortable with them u become yourself, flaws and all

  13. That happens to me mainly because you wanna impress them.

  14. Because you want to impress answered your own question lol

  15. Because you are afraid of making yourself look dumb or make a mistake or they simply make you nervous.

  16. Because you don't know them well enough to relax and be yourself.

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