
Why is it so hard to find a full-time job?

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I have a B.A. in journalism, public relations concentration. My primary work experience is newspaper reporting and writing. For the past year I've worked as a pr/marketing freelance writer for a non-profit organization and a two-year college. I also have experience in art/entertainment pr and broadcast journalism. So, why can't I find a full-time steady job? It's not like I'm starting from nothing. I mean, freelancing is great, but it doesn't pay enough. Seriously, I can't even get hired as a secretary. I know it's because they think I'm over-qualified and will just leave once something better comes along, and they're right. But dammit, I can't get hired for anything! I need a job. I'm pushing 30, and I had to move back in with my parents. I had to quit my last real job at the newspaper because family members were falling ill like flies and I was the designated care taker. Now here I am and I don't know what to do. Help.




  1. wow,

    sounds like  my story,

    I'm 29 havena associates degree and all i can find is crappy low paying stuff, less than 30 hours a week also.

    I have 11 years experince in retail, four and a half years with the last company i was at until this may when they got on my case after their favorites could do whatever the h**l they pleased, i handed them my notice, and away i went.

    the economy really sucks now, and as long as these highs gas prices remain, probably will stay that way.

  2. The Economy!

  3. You just have to keep trying.

    Do flies really get ill?

    I have never seen a sick one.....

  4. Take a look at this website.. It is an incredible opportunity that could really help. Best of luck.

  5. I think that networking may be the key for you.

    If you can find any journalism, p.r., marketing, or art/entertainment, or broadcasting organizations out their, I would join them.  Purchase magazines on those subjects and check the classifieds in the back as there are often opportunities in there.

    Sounds like you'll have to find something not exactly in your sphere of training for the moment.  A wait staff position at a fine restaurant could be a good move for now.  The wages + tips add up to a good earning base.  And you'll feel better about things when you get a few good paychecks under your belt.  

    Plus if you don't already have a business card, I'd put one together.  Just list all the areas you have expertise, your name, and email or phone, or both.

    Press your card into the hands of at least 5 people a day.

    In a couple of week's you'll have some good results, I guarantee!!

    And the consensus is that, in most cases, it takes 5 "no's" to make a "yes", so don't give up too easily on those job opportunities.

    For interviews, always dress up~a cut above the rest.  

    Remember that people form dozens of opinions about you in the first 30 seconds, like education, trustworthiness, ability, etc.

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