
Why is it so hard to get a decent attorney for workman's comp. I'm up against Zurich .?

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Why is it so hard to get a decent attorney for workman's comp. I'm up against Zurich .?




  1. I was on workman's comp. I did not get an attorney. Why? Because I had friends in the insurance business who told me to learn the law myself and represent myself. If I got an attorney my company, by law, could not talk to me therefore help me get the surgery I needed. I went to the state laws on the web and got the information I needed and told my company to bypass the insurance utilization review boards decision to not have surgery. I got the surgery with the help of my company through human resources.

    Workmans comp laws sucks bad and that is why it is hard to get a good attorney and insurance companies are almost evil. Good luck!

  2. i had to use workmans comp. one time and actuaqlly im still on it i didnt use a lawyer its not ness. just use common sense i m back at work now and they still pay my medical bills and meds and they settled on my personal injury but i havent settled on my medical because i still go see a dr once a month for the past 4 years they want me to settle and have offered me a great deal of money but i still hurt like heck so i cant give up that for some amount of money if you have any questions email me at

  3. Is the emphasis on GET, or DECENT?  

    If you can't GET one, it's because you don't have much of a case.  If the ones you're getting aren't doing what you want them to, you either have to fire them and get another one, or maybe you're misunderstanding how workers comp works in your state.

  4. You should call my buddy.  He'll let you know if you have a good case. 973-525-9793  His name is Andy

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