
Why is it so hard to get a visa for the US ?

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Why is it so hard to get a visa for the US ?




  1. there are agreements in place with other governments as to how many are allowed to be issued from each particular place.

    this is the rub with immigration reform.  our gov't would be happy to up the number, yours won't.

  2. There is an actual number limit on how many Visas are issued per year

  3. It only hard if you have nothing to offer.

  4. Everybody wants a visa for US!!!! They are being stricter so that they will only get the best!

  5. The reason is 38,000,000 illegal aliens.  About half of them came here with a non-immigrant visa and just decided to live here and not go home.

  6. Because when dealing with the American government nothing is ever easy.

  7. Since Sept 11 they have tightened security.  It also depends where you are coming from.

  8. They like illegal immigrants better. There will be an amnesty soon with the next president.

  9. Because the US cant afford to let any and every one simply walk into this country without the proper security.  After 911, I didn't think there was anyone uninformed enough to even consider such a question.

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