
Why is it so hard to keep religon out of government?

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You see it on coins,"In god we trust."

Why is it so hard to keep relgion out of governement?




  1. People are petty and not understanding of what that means.  No g*y rights, anti abortion, drug crime laws.  People who support these make me sick.  That's the farthest thing from AMERICAN that you can be.  Actually it's people like that that made the founding fathers form this country.  They are pathetic.

  2. A belief in our Creator was foundational in our Founding Fathers creation of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

    Their first words speak of Inaliable Rights endowed by our Creator.

    To separate this foundation from our Government would signal the beginning of the end.

  3. Actually, I think it has more to do with the scope of things that are often dealt with in politics.  Make one mistake and millions suffer(maybe an exaggeration).  Something that may be good for one group of people can be bad for another.  It helps those in authority deal with the idea that sometimes things work out the way theyre supposed to.

  4. Because this Country was founded on and by religious individuals who believe in a higher being. If you are a person who reads, you will find that my people (Native Americans) believe in a higher being and were here long before the white man came and professed to have discovered this Country. Funny! I never knew that we had lost it or that we lived on a lost Continent.

  5. Because of stupid people (the reason for every other problem as well).

  6. The USA was founded on Christian values by Christian men & women.

    Once you remove the Christian Values & morals you end up with NOTHING.

    The country you live in owes its existence to the religion of the founding fathers & there courage to go forth into the unknown & the European heritage they brought with them.

  7. There are basically two reasons.

    First, there are (broadly speaking)two types of "religious" people. One type focuses on the spiritual-trying to be a good person, helping others, etc.  The other type are essentially fanatics--theybelieve that their religious doctrine is "absolute truth" and they have the right to impose their doctrine on others.  The second type aren't spiritual in any meaningful sense--for them religion is a means of controlling others. You see thisi n the  actions of the Islamic fundamentalists in countries in the Middle East and in the Christian fundamentalists in the United States--both groups are concerned with political powerr, not spiritual growth.

    We always  have some of these people around--the religion doesn't matter (they really aren't interested in the spiritual/moral/ethical)--people for whom religion is simply a rhetoric for justifying their efforts tod dominate others.

    the second reason  is that there are always a few idiots around who focus on petty issues such as the motto on a coin--and in so doing lend credence to the claims of the extremists that "all those who oppose us hate religion and God" etc.

    It's easy to spot these people--they are the best recruiters the extremist religious groups have.  They whine about "In God We Trust" being on a coin and congratulate themselves on being "sophisticated"-when the reality is that they don't address any real issues, they're just trying to make themselves look "cool."

    With people like that running around, it's no wonder so many people get taken in by the extremist fundamentalist groups--they at least pretend to address real issues.

  8. Tradition, nothing else.  Congress opened with a prayer when it started and I think those guys knew what they were doing in regard to the 1st amendment.  As long as their LEGISLATION doesn't have any religion in it that's all that matters.  It's not about banning symbols and little quotes.

  9. If you have a better solution I am all ears. However your laws had to have some ethics hence why the laws are loosely based upon the King James bible.Religion however is still way in the background,otherwise if it was as powerful as you seem to imply why is there a death penalty and no gun-laws to speak of???Also Kennedy nearly lost the election in 1960 because of his Catholic faith,the U.S.ofA. seperates Church and state more than anywhere else in the world.Religion and the government are often miles apart not together regardless of what many of you glorify as a god$$$. Bro Tim

  10. Who says we need to keep religion out of government?

    We created our nation so as to be free to believe as we like, and to not have a specific religion for our country, which we do not.

    However those faiths, are the very foundation of our ideas of freedom, laws, and ethics.

    So by trying to remove them from government, you are encouraging the destruction of what we stand for.

    I find that highly reprehensible.

    Those are founding values, you do not have to follow them or agree with them. But that's where we came from, and instead of trying to destroy that, should be respected.

    I am not a religious person myself, but i respect the values that founded us.

    I found it horrible that the ten commandments were taken from that Judge Moore's court.

    It's pretty simple, you either respect america and it's founding values, or you just don't belong here.

  11. Old traditions.  And we weren't as diverse as we are now, so it wasn't an issue.  Even as an Athesist, I have no huge problem with our money having those words on it, or really the pledge of alligence having God in it, although I think it should be changed back to the original.  I'm able to live freely and believe what I want in my country and that's a good thing.

  12. church and state are separate, that is what our founding fathers stated.  the problem is that people that are elected to the government get elected by peoples beliefs and not what is right.  this is why they are stuck together and will not separate until people think for the greater good of the country.  when people start to believe that religion a book of stories and not law we will advance our culture for the better.  people that say religion is the right way, then i have one question for them, why do more people kill in the name of religion then save.  examples: crusades, abortion clinic bombings, non-converters in the earlier centuries, suicide bombers.

  13. because religion is easier to explain things for your average joe.

    the government have to cater for your average joe to get votes so must pander to religion even though they're supposedly all very well educated and should know better.

    in my opinion, religion has no place in the world, leave it out of education and within 2 generations people will know the scientific facts of why we're here and what we need to do to survive, we can't lead our children to believe that faith will prevail.

    sorry about the rant, it happens :)

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