
Why is it so hard to me to finish a lap?

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i always have to stop in the middle of the lane about twice before i could finish a lap. :(




  1. kick your feet more and point your toes

    also keep your head stable and under the surface

    watch some youtube videos on freestyle swimmers to get the form down better.

  2. It's probably because you don't have your technique down, so every stroke is a huge effort. My little sister has this problem, but I am a swimmer, so I would suggest making sure you are kicking the entire time (or else you will sink), keeping your head down in the water and breathing every 2 or three strokes (3, if possible). Also, use your arms to push the water when they are underwater, don't just flop your arms down on the water. Take long, controlled strokes. If there is absolutely no way you can take swim lessons, (like at a local gym, usually you can take them even if you aren't a member), then find a friend who is a swimmer who can teach you, or watch the swimming events in the olympics, or tutorial videos online, (there are lots on youtube). Swimming is actually very easy once you get it right. Hope this helps!

  3. Swimming is hard to do, especially if you don't have someone teaching you how to do it efficiently.  Try wearing fins while swimming, it will help you increase the number of laps you can do and improve your balance in the water.

  4. Do you have asthma or something like that?  Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart condition?  You don't give your age (or physical condition or weight) so it's hard to know what's going on but if you are a typical young adult you shouldn't be having this kind of fatigue.

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