
Why is it so hard to trust in God's plan?

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I try so hard to trust in the plan that he has for my life, but I always end up wanting something else. Why is it so hard for us as humans to trust in him? Is it our Pride?




  1. Trust has to be built upon our experience of God

    We don't just trust people the moment we meet them (well generally)

    It's the same with God - we have to get to know Him and build a relationship with Him and see how He treats us with loving-kindness - then we start to trust and it builds from there...

    Once we see God is for us, it gets easier.

    be blessed     ; x )

    LAUREN  that's a lovely answer - God bless you x

  2. maybe its because he never told us his plan you read about what some humans think it is. your plan is to be you.

  3. If you don't know what that plan is, it is very hard to trust something without knowing what it is.

  4. How can you know what His plan is and think you won't get what you want? Trust in God, yes, but follow the paths that you feel are right.  

  5. Our intelligence gets in the way. It takes a lot of brainwashing to stop it.

  6. Because he might not be real?

  7. Thats exactly what it is. When things get difficult in life we tend to want to take take control as though we know what is better for us than God does. When things are good we have no problem doing it though. It takes a humble heart and a strong faith to keep believing God knows what is best for us and if we hold on through the storms of life there is something wonderful waiting for us. We just have to believe and trust Him and not ourselves.

  8. Pride; possible. It is difficult for many,esecially us Americans to trust someone else (God) rather than self.

  9. Because we're not really spending time reading the Bible and praying like we should. Try it....

    Romans 10:17

    So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

  10. Because I don't think he's real; and because if he *is* real, his plan includes people's lives being destroyed by natural disasters. His plan includes children who won't make it through their first decade because of awful diseases. His plan includes countries being torn apart by wars over stuff like oil and land and, y'know, religion. I'd say his plan is a pretty rubbish one, overall.

  11. We like to know for sure what will happen. If God gave us an outline that told us exactly what He was doing, it would be much easier. But He doesn't, and really it's hard to know exactly what to do that's in accordance with His will and what's not. It's hard to be left in the dark about things. So, we like to have some control over our lives because that reduces uncertainty.

  12. You probably have not yet experienced what some of us have where God has done so much and moved so much in our lives that it has become easy to trust Him.  

  13. Oh honey, I know:(  He wants you to keep trusting in Him, that's why.  You don't HAVE to know what His ultimate plan is.  NONE of us do.  We just have to trust that since He can think WAY bigger than us, He knows what's best, even if it doesn't SEEM best, and we have to trust Him.  But if we're Christians, we know He'll NEVER forsake us and He'll never desert us, because we've been chosen into His family.  

  14. The problem is " We can not understand kingdom principals, with a democratic mind". This is why the bible tells us we need to renew our mind, to be able to understand the perfect will of God.

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