
Why is it so important to constipate the remains of a body?

by  |  earlier

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And when did this ritual begin?




  1. Consecrate?

    I don't know.

  2. ?

  3. Because a dead body must be totally eliminated.

  4. I didn't know bodies have trouble passing waste!

  5. consecration is important for resurrection

  6. WTF are U gabbing about ?

  7. this should of been a question of tragic typos

  8. Evidently you are speaking of "stuffing" the colon or closing it as part of preparing the body for burial. This is done so the "gases" and waste do not escape out of the body prior to burial just as the mouth is also sewed together for this reason, plus the fact it may "open." Ask yourself, how would you like it if you died and these precautions were not taken and you began to smell and everyone at your funeral could not stand the stench. h**l of a lasting memory you would leave everyone, don't you think?

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