
Why is it so necessary to dog Palin's daughter who is a minor?

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Leave the daughter alone. Why not focus on the true issue at hand which is, "Is Palin qualified enough to be the next VP of our counrty?" People need to realize that's what this campaign is about, not her daughter, her dog, her grandma's grandma...blah blah blah. And its also not about these people saying, "well if she can't control her daughter what makes her fit to control our country?" NO! WE ARE A FREE COUNTRY NOT TO BE CONTROLED BUT LED JUST AS PARENTS LEAD US! PARENTS LEAD US TO MAKE GOOD CHOICES AND WANT US TO MAKE THE BEST DECISIONS. THEY DO NOT CONTROL US, THE DECISION IS ULTIMATELY OUR OWN WHATEVER THAT DECISION MAY BE!




  1. I'm glad Republicans finally see the light

  2. why?

    maybe because of her stan gainst teen gregnacy..she just made herself look bad. Just like Cheyne and his g*y daughter (eventough he was against g*y marrige)

    so what happend to "obama is a muslim" and "Michelle is Anti-American"??

    don't act like a victim when the same stuff is done by reps. for months now

  3. OMG! I was just thinking the same thing as you.

    Dude she's 17 and can make her own decisions at this point, if she wanted to fricken get pregnant she couldn't control that.


    I don't see why it's necessary to stalk her family...

  4. It's just a reflection on her parenting - or lack thereof - and her inability to lead.

  5. It's not necessary - but it's also not necessary to dog Obama's girls, but that has been done for months.....

  6. I don't think that anyone has the right to pick on a teen who has made a bad decision.  However, it is great to criticize a politician who runs her whole political career on:

    1. Being prolife (which I am too).  I want to see how this scenario plays out now that tables have turned.

    2. Teaching abstinence only.........which has worked out great in this case.

    3. Family values. Really who is raising her children while she is out playing superwoman?  

  7. I haven't seen anyone "dog" the child

    NOW concerning the mother that went around preaching Abstinence and belittled parents that taught their children to be responsible and IF they were going to have s*x, be prepared and practice SAFE s*x

    for her

    happy grand parenting

    for the rest of the hypocrites that would have railed against Chelsea Clinton as one coming from an immoral family which led to the pregnancy

    You will be judged by which measure you meet

    as for McCain campaign calling this dirty

    I guess its ok to excuse the man running for the highest office to make ugly jokes about other President's daughters but

    don't mention this!!!

    Its just way weird to see the Christian right is finally condoning

    teen aged unwed pregnancies !!!

  8. Yes, I completely agree with you. Her being a grandmother at a young age has nothing to do with our government or her possible presidency if McCain dies.

    THAT is what we need to focus on, not bashing her daughter for being pregnant. I think it's really stupid.  

  9. People are focusing on Palin's daughter because Palin is against contraceptive education (for abstinence only education), and homeschooled her kids, so some people see that as an example of how that education does not work.  

  10. I agree. Leave the poor girl alone. Nobody can control their 17 year old kids. The fact that she's almost a grandmother has absolutely no affect on whether or not she can be a VP. The only reason people like it so much is because it's a scandalous thing that has a major effect on a celebrity (politicians are just as famous this time of year), so the media is doing their job and is all over it. That's the way the world works, and, while it sucks, people need to stop focusing on who might be moving to DC and start focusing on who might be working there.

  11. Just like Palin being picked for VP being a gimmick to get the Clinton voters, so is publicizing her daughter's pregnancy.

    Yea, politics needs to stay out of people's families and especially their children, but there's no such thing as bad publicity, if it gets McCain's and Palin's name into the headlines.

  12. Well I guess out of that Obama did one good thing,  he claims if any of his people go after her daughter they will be fired, because family should be kept out of it.

  13. Gosh, you mean this campaign isn't about Obama being a muslim, a muslim plant, that his wife hates America, or that his name sounds like Osama and he has Hussein as his middle name, etc., etc., etc.?  It might actually be about things like the economy, unaffordable health care and the sinking middle class?

    Sorry, but Republicans can't have it both ways.  They can't spin malicious smear campaigns for years, pretend they have higher moral standards than others, then cry "FOUL" when it's directed back at them.  Those that live in glass houses...

    Great link, Yeah but we all are.  Another example of the flip-flopping Republicans.

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