
Why is it so pleasing to look at women?

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When i was with my ex i loved to just look at her(aswell as the rest) i liked to stare at her face and all parts of her body particularly her bare b*****s. Why did she hate it so much? and why do i keep seeking to look at beautiful women? She never liked me looking at her and wouldnt agree when i told her how beautiful she was? They are just skin and bones but..... I cant stop...... d**n, do you women know how much power you have and how crazy you drive us men??!!!!




  1. She's weird if she didn't like you looking at her. We like to be admired, worshiped if you will.

  2. God had mercy on women. Women are a pain to live with, waste your time and money and cause a lot of trouble so if God didn't make them very beautiful to us men we wouldn't have anything to do with them.

  3. hehe. you can stare all you like, but you may get slapped!

  4. you need a cold shower.  Plus I think you need to relax. I hope you're not going to be one of the many cheaters in life.  There's more than enough.  Oh, and I don't like being looked at up close because I always feel maybe he's wondering why my nose looks the way it does or something like that-  it's not her fault, even if you told her she was perfect...some of us have paranoia that we don't look as good as others

  5. may be she is shy. and yes we have a lot of power. hahaha

  6. No matter what a girl says, she secretly loves to be looked at. It's our way of knowing we fit in.. In a sense I guess. But, I LOVE being looked at. Makes me all happy face and giggly. lol Men are naturally proned to stare at us women. But, the ones who catch our eyes too are the ones we love to look at us XD haha.  

  7. We love to be admired, and its good to know we are doing our job.

    Agree wholeheartedly with BibleSchool!!

  8. We'll stop being pleasing to look at when you GUYS stop being so d**n s**y!

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