
Why is it so quiet in here?

by  |  earlier

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My last question in this regard has been erased. No more heated political discussions? Have we now become like the Americans who if you don't agree with the majority and don't support the Democrats, you are flamed with hate mail and ridiculed for believing in conspiracy theories? Has everybody left the country or are we all getting along well now?




  1. Everyone else was watching the rugby!

    Go Bokke!

    FYI: We just won the Australians with a record score of 53-8!

  2. theres more to life than just internet, everyone else is out there enjoying life

  3. I've been doing other stuff ^^!!

  4. We all enjoy the new site  - nice to hear from you Porgie, will you be joining  us

  5. Like the Blue Bull has said, most have moved off to

    No trolls, no reporting, lots of arguments

  6. I have moved to a new forum .Much more action there .

  7. The regulars on this forum got so sick and tiered of all the violations and has left this one for a different forum. It is so sad to see this site with so little questions and debate and I really miss the regulars who participated. You will find many of the regulars on this form -

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Latest activity: earlier.
This question has 7 answers.


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