i had always been clumsy and once suffered a serious self-esteem issue.
i had always been disorganized
i can always easily misunderstand people's statement.
i can easily let go of everything on my hands when it comes to taking this thing from a bag to do another thing that is handed directly in front of me.
i had always been under confusion, making wrong choices.
i can't really get the real idea of being careful, as i always have it doubtful.
instead of doing things patiently, i tend to do it dumbly.
when it comes to being quick, it's a hasty one for me.
i'm always late for appointments: classes, meetings, test, etc. and although i'm getting better in overcome it, i still don't understand why it had been very noticeable when i'm late, but not when others are just the same, always-late. the worst thing is when i had really learn to be early and made it on the time, i was actually wrong since the clock was actually set 20 minutes later than the exact time.
i have problems in uttering words clearly for a complete explanation although i do actually have good points and language usage.
more than 80 percent of my thoughts in a day are spend on "how can i do this and that accurately", leaving me no time for friends and classmates, not even making a simple deal with them to walk to class together. this had made me always alone since i'm not of any sorority although i do actually have good social skills and can easily get connected with anyone regardless their kinds, which totally oppose myself before who didn't even dare to look at people.
once i was a bullied, and now kinda admired. although now i might look totally opposite from myself before who was a dumb, coward and bullied always, but i still tend to appeal stupid occasionally; and can't get rid of it.
i hardly get the normal life management of a sane, growing young adult. i don't know why i'm so stupid. crying about it is what i could do. i can't turn back time and that's the problem. i still don't understand why must i be so stupid although at the same time i do have high wisdom and intelligence regarding life, mentality, ideology, logics etc.
is life about having good discipline? is life about being smart in task completion? and...should i quit college and spending my whole life being unnoticed by people?