
Why is it socially acceptable and promoted to lose your virginity as soon as posible??

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Why is it socially acceptable and promoted to lose your virginity as soon as posible??




  1. It is not socially acceptable to lose ones virginity as soon as possible.  That is only by the standards on TV shows that are not focused on self respect.  Just because the TV shows do ridiculous antics does not mean that everyone else should.  Keep your mind on what is right for yourself.  It is best to wait until you are married to the person you love.  Married means bind by Church or state.  Not common law which is shacking up.

  2. I don't know - but who cares? The majority of our society is so ignorant and impressionable by stupid little trends and public opinion, it makes me sick. They latch on to whatever is considered "cool" at the moment so they can feel like a part of the "in" crowd, because evidently that self-image does something positive for their psych. I personally think it's stupid to go out of your way to try to lose your virginity. Just do it when you're ready to do it.... but do it because you want to, not to fit in.  

  3. It's not socially acceptable to the general public. I agree that it's encouraged by peers though. I think that's because s*x is a (false) sign of maturity, sort of a coming of age practice. However, i think that most teenagers/young adults still respect you more if you hold your moral ground, whatever that may be.

  4. That is only your perception Mikey boy.

  5. thats what u think. only.

  6. I think I missed that promotion however if everyones doing it then you must of course! Run with the pack, go with the grain, the flow, my little lamb. baa baa

  7. To say it's socially acceptable is rather vague.

    It really depends on the individual and its environment.  If there was a girl and all her friends talk about how they lost their virginity, then the girl would be more likely to want to lose hers too.

    And let's not forget Hollywood's influence.

    Simply said, people do it because everyone else is doing it.

  8. Socially acceptable ???    " Whow "   I always thought it was stupidity or ignorance by listening to what everyone else says one should do.....

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