
Why is it socially acceptable for women to hit men?

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Why is it socially acceptable for women to hit men?




  1. Its not.

  2. Whoever said that hitting is ever socially acceptable?  There is nothing that gives anyone the right to strike another person.

  3. um because woman usually don't take it that far. and if its a slap across the face i think its just as bad as a man doing it.

  4. It is never socially acceptable for ANYONE to physically assault ANYONE... Period!

    There's also a difference between assault and a "luv-pat" between two "intimates."  Such "pats" are done softly, gently, and usually with a tone of voice such as, "Oh silly you, why did you say such a silly thing?"

    But as for HITTING someone... sorry, that is unacceptable.

    Have a polite day.

  5. It's not. But hitting a woman, or anyone weaker than you is utterly beyond the limits. This is because (amongst many other things) it's such an uneven contest. Even if you're the same height and weight a man is much stronger. You're supposed to demonstrate manly self control and transcend it.  

  6. uhh...just because it is.

  7. Because the people who you are talking about are morans.  

  8. In my society, it isn't okay to hit no matter whose doing the hitting.  

    I wonder what society you speak of that finds it "acceptable."  It's possibly just your perception, not actuality.

  9. Double Standards.

    women can hit men

    men can sleep around and still be respected

    What a load of bull

  10. only if it's socially acceptable for the man to hit her back.

  11. Its not acceptable, but it is easier to ignore. You see, women are viewed (by men) as the weaker s*x. So a man is supposed to be able to take a hit from this weak s*x.

    As you know, its totally different the other way around. If a women complains that she is being hit, she will be the victim and the man will be hated. But, if a man complains that he is being hit by his wife, he will be viewed as a wuss.

    Its not right though, for women to hit a man. Especially, if she is bigger or stronger.

  12. Not to me.  Domestic Violence units in the police force handle complaints about female violence towards men as well, it's just that men are less likely to report it for fear of looking weak.  Our attitudes need to change.

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