
Why is it some men resent women who believe they are good looking/attractive and have confidence?

by Guest58059  |  earlier

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Can any guys explain what the thinking is behind some men's resentment of girls who are really good looking?

Sorry I couldn't find a suitable section to post this beyond singles and dating and its not about that. Its more a general Q. Thanks!




  1. Some men /women just resent somebody because they are more successful or more attractive due to their own insecurities.You know what they say about beauty it's only skin deep and just because a woman thinks she's attractive doesn't mean anyone else does

  2. Maybe they see attractive women as a threat, maybe they feel they would be rudely put down if they asked them out. Men get scared easily especially of  good looking women.

  3. Well, they need to grow up! Only silly, insecure and/or immature men act like that. One of the things I find most attractive about my beautiful wife is her unwillingness to take bull**** from anyone.

  4. i would say because of a arrogance that would be molded on them growing up. for example they would be treated allot different when growing up by people, getting away with things, men bowing to them (so to speak) and i think some men would think they would sort of be stuck up an used to getting what they want, thinking their better than other etc. Also maybe thinking they have been with men who have just done what they want and that they wont be able to compare with that.

    possibly a few reasons from what i think.......... however not what i belive as i;ve met many women who are hot, confident and well worth drooling over!!

  5. It is most likely that the man you refer to feels very shy around attractive women and doesn't know how to express himself properly.

    Either that or it might be that he saw the girl as being more arrogant than confident, and dislikes her for that reason.

    Why not give us some more information?

  6. i think the key is arrogance and intimidation

    Personally i cant help but expect an "attractive" woman to be arrogant. Also if a woman comes across as arrogant, that can be really annoying.

    And some guys are intimidated by attractive women.

    Then again, dont forget that it is said that guys are often horrible to women they like?

  7. What sort of bloke resents a Beautiful Woman.......?

    Definitely not meee sister.


  8. It usually means that you are something that rhymes with the word ITCH. Contrary to what many say, men do not want or wish to be around B*tches.

  9. Thats out there, and steer clear of that attitude, cause you'll only get more of the same weirdness out of these fellows. They live in a small world. Alot of men are walking wounded from working with or for women. Lets face it some women throw their weight around and the prejudice is out there. So you may remind them of someone they had to compete with.

  10. really. i thought its good to have confidence in yourself.

  11. Insecure men. Same problem with women who resent men who are powerful and have high self esteem.

  12. Lol at action man's answer

  13. i suppose its a case of intimidation ,they think they will not have control ,as for myself they are all good qualities that i appreciate

  14. I don't resent a beautiful  confident one I rather envy her for her confidence anyway.

    I do resent an unbearable arrogant one but then women resent

    an unbearable arrogant man i

  15. thats only the weasily men who couldent get us if they wanted to

    the real men want us and we want them

  16. Someone  said  that  'i don't  trust  beautiful  people'. I  don't  resent  beautiful  women  but  if  they can  have  anything  or  anyone  they  want  why  should  they  worry  about  what  others  are  thinking?

  17. It's not resentment. It's intimidation.

  18. not sure why a man would resent an attractive female unless she was using her looks in the workplace, some guys probably just dont like them reguardless of their looks.

  19. Huh sorry but I LOVE CONFIDENT BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. I find the others boring !

    But what I hate is if I had a beautiful boss who would treat me like c**p (because she thinks because shes a hot woman she can do anything she wants), because a man 's a man and if he does his job correctly he has no right of being treated badly.

  20. Good-looking and confident is good in my book. But domineering power women, you know career mined woman sometimes give out the wrong signals to some males, who feel their territory as the dominant lion in the jungle so to speak infringed on.

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