
Why is it sometimes if i download a mod for oblivion pc i see like yellow squares? how can i fix em?

by  |  earlier

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  1. can you extend your question, what mod are you using, have you patched your game and/or have shivering isle installed and is that mod compatible with those patches (check the mods read me) and specify were you are seeing the yellow squares, do you mean in the actual game where you play or in the auto-load menu or the start menus ect.

    Ok then if its just one mod then check to see if its not clashing with any of your other mods. to do this make a back up of your saves (just in case) then go in the oblivion launcher, go to data files and disable all the other mods apart from the actual oblivion game itself (oblivion.esm), start oblivion and load a save, preferably one from early on when you didn't have too many mods installed, any which contain a change to your character could cause errors, if needed create a new game, then make a new save and quite. go back to the data files loader and select only the mod which you were getting problems from, load the game you just saved and go back to the place wear the error was occurring, if its still there then the mod isn't working, probably meaning it was designed for a different patch than the one you have installed, again check the readme, but you might just  not be able to use it. if the error is gone, then it means you have a conflict with one of your other mods, which means you will have to find the mod which is messing with it, you might have to use trial and error enabaling and disabling different combination's of mods in the data files menu.

    if in the end you find that it is a mod conflict then you will probably have to live with out one or the other.

    also is it still wont fix itself you should try the oblivion forum for more help

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