
Why is it stupid not to build futuristic homes & buildings in asia ?

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asia is the new power of the world.

people want to come to your country because you are greater then the country they live in.

shouldn't your architecture be more futuristic and modern. a lot more then the west is currently.

it makes no sense to build homes like the west and buildings like the west.

people aren't going to be excited about traveling to your country to see that same old c**p we can see in the west.

the idea is to be better. that is what america did.

america designed homes that where a lot better then homes and buildings where in europe. that was apart of the package that sold america to the rest of the world.

its the same as dressing in a suit to impress. you have to look the part. your cities have to look the part as well.




  1. Well, most of Asia is a dump. This is the simple truth, and I'm 'Asian' myself, so there is no racism involved. Except for a few well-developed countries (Taiwan, Singapore, and the oil-rich Middle East), most of 'Asia' had better focus on providing clean water, food, electricity, education and housing to their citizens.

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