
Why is it taboo to ask someone at a dinner party what political party they belong to?

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Why is it taboo to ask someone at a dinner party what political party they belong to?




  1. Because politics is one of those hot-button issues that tends to start loud, lengthy debates and occasionally fistfights. It totally ruins the party for anyone NOT interested in politics, and instead of making friends you're making enemies. It's only okay if you know everyone there and KNOW that either you all agree, or you can have a calm, reasoned discussion about the issue.

  2. Politics and Religion... almost always causes bad feelings, arguments.

    Choose a different topic for a Dinner Party... keep it light !!!

  3. who really says it is taboo?  many things do get discussed at dinner parties.  i would think it is similar to asking someone what their religion is?  sometimes such things can be heated topics. but, depending on how the party is going, one might could bring it up in a light hearted kind of manner.  one could feel it out, check out the vibes of the party and then decide, instead of making a do this and don't do this "rule".

  4. I would have to agree with supahero.

    There's no real upside. If you are from different parties it's an source of contention. If you are from the same party, it's boring to talk about something you both completely agree on.

    There's a Seinfeld epsiode where Elaine meets a handsome truck driver. She doesn' t let him discuss anything because if he has any chauvinistic views she would have to immediately have to break up with him.

  5. People go to parties to relax, spend time with friends (or meet new ones), and have fun.  Discussing politics and/or religion inevitably leads to arguing, rudeness, and hurt feelings.  This is okay between two friends having a private discussion (ALONE), but totally rude to bring it to a party.  You'll ruin everyone's good time, and ruin the host's efforts to make an enjoyable evening.

  6. At a dinner party party, it is rude to bring up any subject that can cause negative feelings, make people feel uncomfortable, or create controversy and drama.

    Politics and religion have been dinner table "don'ts" since dinner tables have existed. The conversations always get heated, and automatically lead to other breaches of conversation etiquette -- monopolizing the conversation, interrupting, excluding others, treating people with disrespect, raising your voice -- you can pretty much guess it.

    Plus, you may create animosities you do not even know exist and have nothing to do with you. You don't know what anyone else thinks, or how they will react, or what other relationships are being created at the same party. What if two people who were becoming friends left the party as enemies because of something you started? Or a business deal gets wrecked, same details? How much did they value the potential of the relationship, and how will they think of you for ruining it?

    In addition, you might also be able to see how this is disrespectful to your host, especially where dinner is concerned. If you create drama.  people will not enjoy the meal or experience your host has gone to effort and expense to offer.

    Dinner parties are a good time for networking -- or a place where gossip starts. You don't want to be remembered as someone who causes problems and bad vibes. It will follow you around.

  7. because if its not the party you belong to, you two might disagree about something and nothing is more boring than arguing over politics over dinner -- total party killer! also, some people are just very personal about it and dont like to share their views. just avoid elections talk unless you are sure you share the same views.

  8. It's a very sensitive issue and might cause choking.

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