
Why is it taking FOREVER to sync my Ipod??

by  |  earlier

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I just bought yesterday an 80 gig Classic Ipod. Everything was goin good until i had to actually put music on the thing. I started syncing it and realized that it was taking forever. I have 4,178 songs to be synced and its taking about 1-2 seconds a song. At this rate I won't ever get to use it.. Why is it taking so long? Will it speed up?

New to Itunes and Ipod.




  1. It is supposed to take that long.. So dont worry just leave it the reast of the day today and tonight and you will be set

  2. Don't Worry its supposed to take that long usually it matters about how much songs you have on your iPod and u have quite a few  

  3. It will probably take an hour or two to sync 20 gigs of music. I am sure your 4,178 songs are somewhere aroung 20 gig. It takes roughly 6 - 8 hours to put 80 gig on. Imagine how long it took to put my 130 gigs on. I don't even know. I just started it, and left it. At least you only got to do it once.

    Word of advice, make sure you turn the settings to manually manage music. You don't want to lose all your music cause you hook it up to another computer and it syncs with its itunes. You might also want to check out the cd rip quality in preferences. It might be on 128. I would at least move it to 192.

    EDIT* It may very well be your USB. Mine doesn't go that slow. I am always hooking people up with free music, so I do this a lot. I am quite certain that it takes 6-8 hours to put 80 gig of music on an ipod. Well actually it is 76 gig. 4 gig is saved for the program, the games, and your address book and stuff.

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