
Why is it that 9 times out of 10 that invasions and acts of war are perpetrated by the same countries?

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If it isn't the Russians, it's the Americans, the Chinese, British or French? Imagine if they threw a war and no one came.




  1. There's a big one your forgot.  Germany.  Had a hand starting both world wars and is the main hold-out now on putting sanctions on Iran.

    Your history is all confused, Japan.  Africa and the Middle East are constantly at war -- even with their own.  It's just no one notices anymore.

  2. How many times has America invaded a country that didn't need to be invaded?  I think you forgot a big one here....ever hear of Germany?

  3. well... every nation has wars... it's just our ethnocentric schools, media that focus mainly on western wars and wars important to the west... there are constant civil wars in South America, Africa and SE Asia... and some nations right out attacking each other...

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