
Why is it that 99% of people who are black or have black profiles on here are voting for Obama? ?

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Obama is an empty suit and has NO experience..

Funny thing is after President McCain's outstanding pick today that LibTards and the black people know that this mortally wounded Obama by the coupling of McCain and Palin.

People watch how 99% of the people who are black defend the Empty Suit.




  1. 250 years of old white men being President.

  2. Oh c'mon, let's be adults about this.   Only a tiny sliver of independent-thinking blacks are voting for McCain.  Blacks didn't even vote for Reagan, who consisently is rated as one of the two best Presidents in our nation's history.

    If someone wants to dispute blacks are just voting for Obama due to race, without even considering the alternative, just find "Obama Supporters Unleashed, Part 1" on YouTube.  The girl on top of the car, spouting absolute nonsense, admits she's just mindlessly (and automatically) voting for Obama because he's black.

    Now, I have absolutely nothing against a black candidate.  Condi Rice would make an excellent President.

  3. ...unscientific poll... please rerun the numbers.

  4. because Democrats actually care abou the issues facing african americans.

    and barack obama is a democrat.

    also you calous lack of compassion seems to be pretty common across the repuplican landscape...

    i wonder how your "outstanding" Vice President nominee, who has a son suffering from Downs syndrome, would feel about your use of the phrase "LibTards"

  5. Um...because Obama is black.  If he was Republican they would still vote for him.  It's a shame because most Obama supporters cannot even put up a strong argument.

  6. Actually, I've noticed that a lot of the black avatars on here belong to racist Republicans who go by monikers, such as Obama's VP, Obammy, and Clamidia.

  7. I think black people in general tend to vote democratic so having him black is just a bonus for them, but i highly doubt that they vote for him just because he is black. That is an absurd judgement by far. I think black people are just ready for change just like any other people. Besides, they always send the poor to go to war and a lot of black people are poor due to the inequality in getting jobs as well as getting care and an example of that would be Hurricane Katrina. They felt abandoned by their country and in fact, I do not blame them. I think they were abandoned because they were poor. Not even the neighboring white counties across the bridge did not want to help them. That is horrifying to me and I do not blame them for wanting Obama to win. NOT ONE BIT!!! There is no excuse to leave people to die like that. I don't care how poor or black or violent they may seem. That is totally rediculous.  

  8. Because the Republican party doesn't care about their concerns....

    They voted 96% for Kerry.  You expect a 50/50 split this time?

    It's about issues and not color.  

  9. not sure why

    a smaller percentage of free thinkers  I guess

    there are Black Conservatives     - scores of them

    educated - well spoken - successful

    the only ones you hear about     are the Big Media Choices

    Oprah     Spike Lee   Diddy

    Conservatives like Michael Steele  

    Thomas Sowell       Walter Williams   JC Watts

    Bill Cosby    all have voices and speak out but are treated and called

    honkies        really sad state of affairs

  10. While this White House race should not be based on the color of one's skin, it was Obama who spent 20 years following and pandering to a racist black militant pycho preacher. Maybe urban America wants to follow Jesse Jackson, Oh wait, he wants to "cut off Obama's family jewels"!

  11. Looks, smells, and sounds like the question from a Bigot, Steve.

  12. It should be about 93 percent.  Take a look at the link, it explains itself.  

  13. Racism?

  14. Racism.

  15. Same reason teenaged boys are going to vote for Palin.  Yowza.

  16. Because blacks don't like to work and Obama will still support them monetarly if he wins.

  17. Well, I'm a cracker from Georgia, and I'm voting for Obama.  

  18. It's not that high a percentage maybe 90%. I 'm not on the Kool-Aid Tour with Obama because he's an unqualified empty suit. If I needed someone to run a summer basketball league Obama would be on the short list. Socialism and redistribution of wealth is government sanctioned stealing and I like being able to carry a weapon to defend myself and love ones.

  19. okay #1 is a lie

    and the second statement is a raciest comment, which will get you off of Y!A for good, so happy??

    and yes im voting 4 obama

  20. Stop calling him a racist,he didn't say anything bad about black people,he was just saying what is 100% true. The only reason that most black people are voting for Obama,is simply because he is black as well. They haven't done research,they haven't kept track of speeches,and they most certainly don't have any idea what he will do if he is elected.I mean the man doesn't even care about our country,he doesn't even put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance! He is a Muslim,therefore,it would be against his religion to do so. In my opinion,we don't have any candidates this election that I would even consider voting for,but I especially will not be voting for Obama. I will have to choose the better of the two,I'm voting McCain. Oh,and anyone,who would like to see a few reasons on how I came to this conclusion,look here:

  21. its about time for a change of color you races  

  22. I think that many black people are thrilled that they would have a black person representing them.  I wouldn't mind if the black person who is running had the same values that I had but, many are simply voting for him because he is black and for no other reason.  I am white and would vote for a black person if I thought he were the better representative of what I want as a leader of my Country.  I don't get it that people will vote because someone is "handsome", "has a nice voice", "has a pretty wife and cute kids", "is younger", etc.  It is just so shallow and ignorant to vote for someone for all the wrong reasons.

  23. Black Pride, They know he is a phony, not all Blacks are stupid ,not all Whites are Brite.

  24. Honestly, I have noticed that too.  I guess it is because they feel like they can relate to him more because of his race. However, their are some black people out there that do support Mccain.

    I do not support Obama not because he is black, but because I think John Mccain is obviously the much better choice for the election .

    The one thing that pisses me off, is when some black people (Not all once again) accuse me of being racist just because im not voting for Obama. well on the flip side, some are being racist for not voting for Mccain since he is white.

  25. It's racial

    Just get over it every race has things they do that other races don't do. It's called diversity.

    White people like to call each other disconnected elitist

    Black people like to unify to a common cause

    Red Headed Scots like to be wet and cold and eat oatmeal.

    It's racial diversity and until you learn to enjoy everyone's differences you will never be free from shallow feelings.

  26. Because they're racist...oh wait that's's only racism when white people vote for McCain...who cares about the real issues anyway?  Like Obama being totally unqualified, we must prove to our fellow Americans that we aren't racist by racially discriminating against the white guy (wait that sounds a little racist to me)

  27. Empty suit?... cmon man... who are you kidding? Why can't republicans just cut the c**p :)

    Obama/Biden 08

    Sara Palin, we love you!

  28. I know what you are thinking and it has NOTHING to do with race.  These people have carefully considered the candidates and weighed all the issues.  They've looked at all the pros and cons.  It's a 100% coincidence that they all arrived at the same decision.

  29. Certainly not because of any racial factors.

  30. Maybe because McCain is an old buzzard who has one foot in the grave and the other in the nursing home.

  31. It is time for a black to be in the White House in my opinion.  

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