
Why is it that America is bombarded with conspiracy theories?

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But I don't know of any off hand for other countries. The moon landing, the twin towers, the JFK assassination, Area 51, Roswell aliens... and I can't think of one for another nation.




  1. U.S. is the center for conspiracy theories because the U.S. is the super power which these criminals in our government conspire, most simply put....but im not a believer of the moon landing being a hoax, they have more than enough technology to go to the moon, so why not? but i do believe 9/11 was an inside job, the evidence3 is overwhelming if u actually just take time to research it

  2. What about the belief among many Muslim nations that the Holocaust did not happen?

    The First Amendment guarantees the right of conspiracy theorists in the US to voice their theories.  When other people here the theories enough times, they start to believe them.

  3. I believe it is an outgrowth of being bombarded by movies and TV shows that show such conspiracies in force. It also helps some people cope better with reality when they believe it was "them" who were responsible for certain events. It is a mass extension of the "denial" phase when confronted with events like the attack on America and the JFK assassination.

    Unfortunately, there are a number of talk radio hosts and other media types who are more than ready to tap into this trend in order to make a profit and a name for themselves.

  4. Oh, come on, now.  I'm from the U.S.  Haven't you ever heard

    1) Queen Liz had Princess Di whacked

    2) crop circles in Britain

    3) Russians arrested oil magnate in order to take over his business

    If I thought about it, I could probably come up with a lot more over the years.  Naturally, as an American, I hear a lot more about the American conspiracy theories, but other governments have as many conspiracy theories relative to the U.S. as they have, relatively, population.  If I'm not mistaken, The Netherlands is rife with them - completely uninteresting to someone (like everyone else in the world) that is not interested in Netherlandic politics.


    ⌘ ⌘

  5. There are too many people with too much time on their hands.

  6. Maybe because their is so much real government corruption. For example, Haliburton Corp. getting illegal no-bid contracts with the help of their former CEO d**k Cheney.

    President Bush lied and used false information to justify the invasion of Iraq.

    And how about the mass murder at Waco? The government claims that those people set their building on fire and killed themselves. But in the documentary Waco the Big Lie, there is video showing federal agents setting the building on fire. And in the documentary Waco - Rules of Engagement, there is video of unarmed people running out of the burning building and being shot to death by federal agents.

    Then there was the Ruby Ridge incident in Idaho, and the McMartin School case in California, and the. . . . the list continues on. U.S. citizens have good reason to be paranoid.

  7. The theory that there's never been a conspiracy in the highest levels of US government is the nuttiest one i've encountered.

  8. Conspiracy Theory come about when truth is hidden. There are hidden trues that are kept away from the public concerning these events. Things just don't happen people make them happen but we need the reason of why and that is where the conspiracy theory comes in to play. You and I know it's something fishy about all these events. So we as Americans have that right to know the truth like Katrina what cause those levee's to break. It's all done by hidden hands for specific reason now it's back why did they do it. When you under stand the diabolical plans of those who run the show behind the scenes then the picture will become clearer there will be no Theories just truth.

  9. Look at Rock...Paul is dead, Morrison, Tupac are alive, Elvis sightings..people just love to dream up tales.Distrust in the government became "in" after JFK's assassination and that generation (mine) still push all kinds of theories about "cover ups". Having watched the Towers fall and been a volunteer who supplied the firemen doing the searching, I am pretty sure it was what it is said to cover ups.

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