
Why is it that Americana's will send aid to another county in need but will not assist their own.?

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Who care that China has lost 55,000 people. No one is helping American's that are homesless or out source jobs to America. What is really going on. How do you feel as a American when your own county will help other countries before it's own.




  1. I don't like to adopt the attitude of, "Who cares what's happening to people in other countries..." because it is a shame what is happening to them.  However, I do agree that we most certainly need to take care of our own business before we go running over trying to aid other countries.  

    I think the ultimate reason is power.  By keeping a presence in these other countries and offering aid, I think our powers that be think that maybe we can make other nations like us.  Also, the countries we help will owe us favors and we will collect when the time comes.

    It is sad that we don't clean house here and help ourselves.  I mean...a good example is hurrican Katrina.  It took how many days for our nation's leaders to get it together enough to get down there, yet a tsunami hits elsewhere and we're there within 24 hours.  

    Its hypocritical and sad.

  2. I've often wondered about that myself.  I guess the president is just trying to make it seem like he cares maybe he feels guilt of some kind for what he has done.  But in turn he is showing us he doesn't give a hoot when it comes to our country.  Our school systems suck, we have people that have no homes now because of the money issues, we have even more people that are hungry or are struggling to feed their families, and we have people who need jobs.  I don't understand this guy really instead of sticking our nose into other people's problem and fixing ours, we have to go help people who don't seem like they want our help in the first place.  I could understand if they wanted it and if our issues weren't as bad as they are now but to me this doesn't make sense.

  3. I've been wondering this for years.Wish I knew the answer!

    We need to look and take care of our own backyard before we can be expected to help others.I've wondered if foreign countries have commercials seeking help for the needy in the USA?

  4. I think you make a really good point. It is my belief that we aid more to other countries than our own because it's a type of investment, somewhat helps with global PR (could sure use it!) and "big brother" type of responsibility.  I don't necessarily agree with it because I see as a shame in particular where people who actually fought for this country (and others) are homeless and/or do not receive appropriate physical and mental healthcare.

  5. Amen!!

  6. I also say Amen to that.  Good point.  These other countries that we help hate us, talk about us, stab us in the back but are right there with their hands out asking for help when something happens.  If we were to say no, what an outcry there would be.  Those bad Americans won't help us.  

    We should be helping those in need right here in the US of A thank you very much.  While it is horrible to me to think of that many people dying, I'm sorry but you have millions of people in China that could reach out and help their own.

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