
Why is it that Christians cannot see that even the bible describes their god as a self centered egoist?

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According to the bible the ONLY unforgivable sin is blasphemy,yet if a person rapes,murders,commits child abuse,lies etc. etc. their god will forgive them if they accept him.

If this god really existed,wouldn't this tell you something about his true character?




  1. If God requires worship, how can he/she/it be perfect?


    Oh and the thing about us atheists is that we don't worship Darwin and do all the things he did and thought. He was very intelligent however.

    discord7: I CAN'T STOP SCREAMING, I'M NOT EVEN ******* SOBER!

  3. Hey! a bird just flew out of your beard.

  4. the fact that rapes, murders, child abusers and lies exist tells us that mankind is sinful and in need of a Savior.  The Bible does say that God is a jealous God, one who alone created the heavens and the earth, who has been more merciful and gracious to mankind that we deserve, and who humbled himself, wrapped himself in human flesh and became like his creation, was tempted in all ways like we are yet without sin, died on the cross for us and arose on the third day with all power.  Therefore, he and he alone is worthy of our praise and that testifies of his true character

  5. Christians, Christians! Why are we so blind, so blind. Woe to us Christians if only we would see!

  6. Bad answers, huh.

  7. Repent of your sins.

  8. Tells me He loves us more than we deserve..The fact you think He owes you any explaination speaks volumes about yours.

    Quit yer screaming Grandma or it`s back to Shady Pines for you..

    rofl!! I knew you`ve been spiking your tea..

  9. Only to people open minded and intelligent enough to see it ;)

    Which rules out a majority of those who read it..

  10. My Trinity boss, God, is gonna lightning bolt you if you keep forgetting to use a capital 'G'.

    Why is that so hard for people around here?

    If your name was "John", would you like me calling you "john"?

  11. God's character is impeccable.  Unlike your friend, Chucky.... Let's see Darwin was a racist, bigot, mysogynist and homophobe.  Other than that I guess he was a reasonable guy.  Oh, wait a minute, he offered some dribble about how women were at about the same level as dogs and negroes, and then proceeded to marry his first cousin!  There is a name for a person like that.   I love it that you admire such a person.   It makes my argument so much more tenable.

  12. If it sounds bad, just reinterpret.

    When God says "I create evil" he actually means "I love you"

  13. At the end it is judgment your on the right track christian are the ones who will curse their God and Christ. First Words Last Warning and Holy Writing will do and has done this judgment to see these books.

  14. It helps to know what is being talked about. The unforgivable sin IS blasphemy of the HOLY SPIRIT. This is the sin that you DO NOT repent of. That would be any or all the sins you have ever committed.

    GOD bless

  15. Christians, like many other religions, fail to see what is right in front of them.  It's kind of like selective hearing, (which I had a problem with in my teenage years) they only see what they want to apply to them.  

  16. If you don't like it, just ignore it until it becomes life-demanding, in the meantime, prepare for that life-demanding moment

  17. "you have eyes but you can not see, ears but you can not hear, ...such is the way of the Word that is closed to unbelievers"

  18. And if He really exists, how can you apply human reasoning to the Almighty Creating Spirit who created YOU and also has ALL the power to make the rules of living.

    You will have comprehension to understand God ONLY if you accept His existence and His salvation.  But since you don't, then you won't understand why you are so wrong until it will be too late.

    Do not mistake the Bible - the rejection of Jesus Christ as Savior will be paid for.....eternally.

  19. good point...

  20. According to Christians, it's a trait only allowed to him because he fills the only role worthy of the sentiment.

    Even as a deist, I would say the higher being is just that--higher than I am.

  21. do you not have anything better to do?

  22. Uh duh He is!!

    If I was God I'd be a pretty self centered egoist also!


    Besides I love Christians!!!

    especially with Sweet and Sour sauce!

  23. the main word here is character... like in a child book... lol

  24. Lol Atheists and your stupid misunderstandings.. God is perfect. He knows what he's doing. Enough said.

  25. It tells me God has a lot of mercy if he's willing to forgive rapes, murder, etc.  Doesn't mean those people will have it easy after being forgiven.  I believe God would expect them to pay for their crimes in prison.

  26. When you blaspheme the Holy Spirit, you are rejecting the gospel of Jesus Christ.  To reject Christ is the unforgivable sin.  As long as you accept Jesus as your Savior, Christ will forgive you of your horrible sins, but He will not forgive you for rejecting Him.

    God has no bones with telling man that He will do His will.  Or that His will, will be done.  God sets the rules.  God judges mankind by His rules.  We will all be judged by the Word of God and most people won't even try to learn the Bible.

    God is not a man.  God is Spirit and consuming fire.  If you stood in front of God right now, you would be burned alive.  That is what consuming fire means.  In the Bible, the Israelites were so afraid of God that they begged Moses not to take them to the mountain to talk to God, but whatever God told Moses they would obey.

    You need to read the Book of Job in the Bible.  Job was questioning God and God asked Job a few questions like 1. Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?  Upon what are the foundations fastened?  Or who laid the cornerstone?  Who shut up the sea with doors, when it broke forth as if it had issued out of the womb? Or by what way is the light parted, which scatters the east wind upon the earth?

    God asked Job so many questions that he couldn't answer,  that Job was dumbfounded by all of God's questions.  I believe if a man ever thinks that he is smart, all he needs is 5 minutes with God.  He will be on his knees worshiping and praising such magnificence and awesomeness.

    Man is too limited in knowledge to understand such a God.  Therefore, man must fear God.  God even says, "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."  Now that was Old Testament, in the New Testament God cares for man so much that He comes down in human flesh to walk among us and go to a Cross to win back eternal life that Adam lost in the Garden of Eden.  The problem is that we will not let God be God, the sovereign and omnipotent Creator who answers to no one.

  27. The bible also says He's perfect


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