
Why is it that Gender and Women's studies lumped together?

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They seem completely different to me. I mean, "woman" is a gender identification, but so is man. The feminist movement and the genderqueer movement we have today are different from each other. Why does yahoo answers still have them as one?




  1. Yahoo is part of the extreme left media and as such Men don't matter so any subject on their behalf would be counter productive.

  2. Just like they put Vegetarianism and Veganism together or L*****n g*y Bi Transgender together. I mean they just do it. Because most of society looks at Gender Studies as Womens Studies

  3. Because the changes in women's lives in the last 100 years affect gender relations, therefore, it would seem to make sense to call it Gender and Women's Studies. My Mom studied Western Civilization in college and if memory serves, Gender Studies was not a course until sometime in the seventies.

  4. Many academic programs have changed their Women's Studies program names from Women's Studies to Gender and Women's Studies; some have changed their Women's Studies program titles to Gender Studies. It reflects the change in 2nd to 3rd wave feminism, where 2nd wave feminism was primarily concerned with equality in politics, economics and society; but 3rd wave feminism has expanded towards including gender issues globally, as well as glbt issues, race and class issues, as well as s*x issues, So it makes sense that Yahoo would do the same thing. This forum started out being titled  women's studies.

    Here's a list that's current that lists the titles of Women's studies and Gender studies academic programs in the US and internationally (some departments also include Feminism in their title, along with Women's studies):

  5. Because Yahoo hates women.

    You are woman hear you roar.

  6. its like saying footwear and shoes, Shoes is footwear so why the h**l add it on to the title it really does make you think who the h**l is in charge here  

  7. For the same reason that the polar opposites of g*y Male and L*****n Female get lumped together as GayandLesbian:  Consciously or unconsciously, the people (there have to be some) who decide on the categorizations of Yahoo Answers subscribe to the Postmodern/Feminist/Social Constructionist theory of "the acquisition of gender through nurture."  Despite the fact that of course not a SHRED of scientific evidence can be adduced to sustain this ideologically based assumption.  Why?  Because the alternative ("essentialism") scares them even to think about.

  8. Are you saying Yahoo Answers needs a "the genderqueer movement" forum?

  9. It's politically incorrect to have a Men's Studies.  They don't want men together to plot an uprising!  :D  But to keep everyone fighting each other here.  

  10. because you can't take a "men's studies" course at a university.

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