
Why is it that Hillary never thanks her supporters who fail to give her victory?

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In all the states that Hillary lost, especially when she lost 12 states in a raw. Her volunteers worked so hard to give her victory but they weren't able to. Hillary never publicly thanked any of them. She is only thankful when she wins, she only acknowledged her supporters when they deliver victory to her. If I was her supporter I would be very disappointed that I don't even at least get an acknowledgement for all the hard work.

The other thing is that she never congratulates Obama when he wins. She doesn't even mention his name. But he always mentions her name and congratulates her when she wins. Even the Ohio/Texas, the first thing he did on his speech was congratulating her. Even when he loses this man goes out with class and dignity.

What does this show you about Hillary? What is wrong with this woman?




  1. she;s all out for herself.she does;nt care who or what she hurts to get where she;s going.she;s such a *****.the only thing on her  mind is her picture going up on the wall next to the rest of the presidents of the past.she dreams about that all the time.she does;nt care about the people who got her there or who helped her get there.

  2. ...whaddaya expect? We're talking Hillary Clinton here.

  3. Good Point. I have been so busy defending Obama from Clintones that I did not have to pint out her short comings...

    Thanks for the heads up.

    To answer your question, I agree with everybody else's responses..she is self is sooooo obvious.

    It will all come out in the wash though...Hillary is not a good  example of how to run an effective, motivating, original, gracious, honest campaign...

  4. Pettiness is an ugly thing, isn't it? That's what she's been showing...

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