
Why is it that I'm offended when people say that most Dominicans are black?

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Why are they so ignorant and can't see that we are 73% mixed, 16% white and 11% black? Just because they see Vladimir Guerrero and David Ortiz on TV they assume most or all Dominicans look like them! Could it be that mixed means black in the US? Is it because of our history of anti-Haitianismo that we get even more upset when white Americans say "Well, most Dominicans are black..."




  1. Most AmeriKans have never BEEN outside their own country (thank God for small favors) so they don't KNOW what the rest of the world is really like.

    I lived in Santo Domingo for a year (Ave. Independencia) and loved it.  I can understand what you are saying about the feelings of anti-Haitianismo, but I seriously doubt most AmeriKans could begin to understand it.

  2. I think it goes back to the days of slavery and segregation in the US. Back then if you had a drop of black in you you were considered black. There was no mixed, it was black or white. Whether people want to admit it or not, some still hold true to that belief. So when they see a person of color they automatically assume black and don't care to differentiate between Hispanic, Indian or other ethnicity's.

  3. 73% mixed (mulato, which is mixture of spanish, black and others europeans of course) the USA has people or race categorized a different way.

    White caucian

    Black Afromerican

    Asian chinesse



  4. Why is " black" offensive? The color is not important, it is what is inside your mind and your behaviour.

    I'm white and I don't have problems with other people, because of what you have to be racist? because you have a narrow mind? this is my opignon about this. bye bye

  5. Dominicans do have dark skin and nappy hair so they are some what consider black cuz they do have African blood in them even through some might call them-selfs Afro-Latino

  6. I don't know if it will you make feel better but Barak Obama is often called black even though his mother is white. I guess Americans don't really use term "mixed" often.

    It really upsets me when Americans call all Whites "Caucasians"... How stupid is that?!

  7. What's wrong with you ?!

    According to the mainstream definition of black in the western world, if you are not white, then you are black.

    Although I think that it is a stupid definition and it reeks of racism, most european and north american caucasions accept this definition.

    Therefore according to them, the 73% of mixed people are also black.

    Hence I shall update your statistics !


    84% black

    16% white

    Okay !!

    And besides what's so wrong with being called black !?

    Are you ashamed !?

  8. Yup.  I get similar offensive remarks.  "You can't be Mexican, you speak English so good."  "You can't be Mexican, you're so clean."  

    But it doesn't just go Mexican either, they'll be happy to offend other races.

    "You shouldn't be eating beef, that's cow and Hindus aren't supposed to do that."

    "Why do you Arabs hate America so much?"

    and my favorite, "You need to go the h*ll on you g*dd*mn Hawaiian m*therf*cker."

    Most Americans are cool enough people, but you get quite a few who just don't think about what they are saying.

  9. In the USA you are 84% black and 16% white, so, most Dominicans are black. But, please, don't get ofended by rude and illiterated people.

  10. that's so not true

    Dont mind them

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