
Why is it that I underperform in tennis matches?

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I am a tennis player and I am in my school's tennis team. I play fine when I play matches against players from my school however I clearly do not play as good in matches against players from other schools (even if they are worse than me). I do not know if its nerves, because I do not feel that nervous during a match.




  1. Playing tennis matches is like doing math problems.  The more you do and the more variety of problems you take on, the better prepared you are for different styles of play.

    Play everyone, no matter how good, or bad, they are.  Gain experience beating people, loosing to people, changing the way you play different styles.

  2. You're focused too much on winning, instead of focusing on the ball. I don't think it is fear. Keep your eye on the ball and your mind on HOW you're hitting it. . . and then you'll win.

  3. It may be because you are worried how you will go. That sometimes happens to me, you get so worried about the game you are going to play and if you are going to make a fool of yourself, that you loose concentration on the ball your hitting over the net!

    Some people also get really worried about their opponent, like if they are really large of hunky, some people can get worried, because they don't think they can match up to their ability.

    If you think abput how you look too much, you may not think so, but you would tend to rush, and then get balls out. When that happens, you get even more angry because you have lost a lot of un-forced errors.

    People feel comfortable playing around people who you already know, because you know them and you know that they won't make fun of you if you do a crazy shot. An outside player however, is different because you don't know how they play, react and hit.

    If i were you, i'd just not think about it too much, its something that passes with time, even the professionals go through it. Some go well in practices, and not in games, it will pass, so just hang in there!

    Good Luck With your tennis!

  4. It might be a case of subconscious tension. A kind of pressure that takes you over without you consciously being aware of it.

    The familiarity you feel with your teammates makes it easier to play with and against them.

    One of the things that helped me with this very problem is during practice I would practice blocking everyone out and just watching the ball. Focus intensely on just the ball, not your opponent.

    As I played competitive matches I would force myself to watch only the ball. It wasn't easy at first but nothing's easy when dealing with matters of the mind.

    Play the ball not your opponent. The more you do it the better you will become.

  5. you might be nervous or you might be like over aggressive and trying to crush the other team...idk but just take it easy, clear your mind, and play like you play against teammates

  6. Your probably just thinking to much and trying to play every ball to perfection. Just relax and think of it as a normal match against someone from your school. Good Luck

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