
Why is it that JWs have so little information about WT organization's Governing body memebers?

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Lee..Grandma: I have never been a JW and I never will be one. I am spreading the real gospel




  1. Since we are not following men, the men in the Governing body can change ( and it does every time one of them die or get too weak to continue) without us being concerned. Jesus is the head of the congregation and we trust that he will fill any openings with men after his own heart.

    We are not like Apple, if Mr. Jobs bites the dust, that organization will be in a tailspin.

  2. Because they are supermen without powers, lol!

    Mosies keep bragging,  remember Jesus said deception would be spread all over the world.

  3. Why is it that those who use to be JWs and could not handle the truth are the ones that try and hurt others? All I can say is, satan works in every sneaky way he can. But, 7 million are strong, and more are being added each day. Have a good one all, and a big hello to my brothers and sisters.  

  4. They have the names.

    Each personal history does not seem to be available.

    I know many preachers, pastors, and leaders that are completely open about their self, their past, and their training.

    Where they went to school, went they joined the denomination.

    Are they married and their children?

    The governing body remains aloof, the chosen brother of Jesus by their theology and printed work.

    I would think they would reach out and make themselves more open, human and present their-selves's that followers would identify with one or more of them.

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