
Why is it that Nelson Mandela isn't speaking up about Mugabe and Zimbabwe?

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Nelson Mandela is renowned for speaking up on human rights issues, but there is these massive human rights violations happening every day, right on his doorstep. I have yet to see anything in the news about his views on Mugabe.




  1. He did comment on it at his Birthday speach, but really, he is a retired statesment and does not have much influence over nutters like Mugabe. Mugabe would just say "pot-kettle-pot". After all, Nelson Mandela was convicted of Terrorism.

  2. How?

    Decode this lyrics " Sound of silence"

    Like the dead Mummy too.

    Back in the past.

    With self lack of knowledge?

    With just hear-say?

    In having the blind in leading the blind?

    "Silence is golden"

    Open up?

    May end up with "Punch and Judy" show.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  3. Good question i must say as it's horrible how people kill one another just because of where we live and what tribe they are born into.I hope he and more people bring it out in the open so maybe it can get resolved someday hopefully.,.,

  4. He is old and tired. Would everybody just leave him alone!!!! He did so much already. A better question would have been: Why doesn't Pres Mbeki speak out? But it is an african thing. They are all cowards that still live in the past, blaming conolization and white people for all their problems! We have had 14 years of democracy in South Africa. That means that there are allot of black people in the county that wasn't touched by the apartheid government, and still they blame their problems on the white's. It is an easy way out. They cant rule, dont want to work and live of the idea that everything will be a-ok because they rule the country. Corruption is a way of life! Show me one succesfull country in Africa. The only reason South Africa is still so great is because of the residual effect of the previous rule!!! I'm a white South African.

  5. I think they got very good car, I am liking very much. There is good model for all peoples, many new colour and good insides........... Oh sorry I thought you said Nissan Main Dealer.

  6. You have to remember that Mandella came out of Robyn Island promising, work, housing, electricity, water and food for everyone.

    He knew fine well that what he promised was impossible to deliver, all he succeeded in creating was an atmosphere of great expectation, an expectation that could never be fulfilled.

    When he finally realised the enormity of the task, he then bowed out of the political spotlight and handed the responsibility for the promises over to some other unfortunate person.

    The people of SA are only too aware that these promises will probably never be achieved and are now starting to let their government know just how they feel about it.

    The present government, in a desperate bid to placate the nation, are in the process of taking the land from the white farmers and giving it to the blacks. This is exactly the same situation as is taking place in Zimbabwe, so what right would Mandella have to voice an opinion on the Zimbabwe situation.

    Look! I know that Mandella is a nice old chap, I know people around the world love him and I realise that heads of state have welcomed him with open arms.

    However, the thumbs down from the ostriches are stupid, what I have said is the truth, it is in black and white all over the world.

    So take your heads out of the sand.

  7. Give the man a break, he is 90 years old and it's now the responsibility of someone younger with a little bit more spunk.

  8. then, i think that Nelson Mandela is not doing her job properly and he needs to be punished by the law. I think that both of them are not working together and there must be something going on between both of them.

  9. Many consider Nelson Mandela to be a terrorist still - even though he has been officially removed from the USA terrorist watch list. He committed heinous crimes of his own so why should be speak against Mugabe?

    edit to add:

    'Mandela Singing about KILLING THE WHITES.

    Nelson Mandela with his ANC (African National Conference) friends still today sings these songs at Public meetings.


    The ANC still sing “shaya ma buru” all over South Africa.

    Promoting Hatred, Promoting Crime, Soliciting Murder.

    Aiding and Abetting in MURDER and ALL CRIME.

    An Accessory Before the Fact.

    The Genocide and systematic eradication of Whites and White Farmers sponsored by the ANC and fuelled by their Racist Policies, Racist Songs and double standards legislation.




    History Nelson Mandela

    January 31, 1985 in History

    Event: South Africa President PW Botha offers to free Mandela if he denounces violence.

    Mandela refused to do so.

    Finally, Mandela walked to freedom in 1990 - without denouncing a continuation of violence.

    His ANC has remained true to this view; since 1994

    35,000 White South Africans murdered

    3,000 White Afrikaner Farmers.

    For this Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

    Peace and Democracy?

    The Worlds Greatest “SPIN DOCTOR”'

  10. Has been said, in his birthday speech.

    He has given his life, now everyone wants his soul.

  11. Because he envies the Zimbabwe dictatorship and would like to have the same system in South Africa. Time will tell that all the past talk about apartheid and white rule were just excuses used by international socialism to install a left wing government in South Africa.

  12. Mandella might ask why the U.S. supported the apartheid government in South Africa and blocked any attempt by the U.N. to impose sanctions. Mandella will refrain from heaping criticisms on Zimbabwe for fear that rogue states like the U.S. would use his comments as a pretext for invasion and occupation.

  13. I'm mostly sad, because I clicked this question and was all ready to answer with "Remove the head", but then I realized I misread 'Zimbabwe' as 'Zombie'.

  14. At his Birthday speech.

    It was all over the news for days.

  15. he did in his birthday speech.

  16. Because they were all supporters of the ANC!

  17. He hasn't said enough and didn't say it soon enough....but even if he had you have to remember that he is criticizing his fellow blacks...and they don't fawn all over him in the same way we do...

  18. Yes he said a load of comments in this birthday speech!

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