
Why is it that...(No worries it's an actual hockey question)?

by  |  earlier

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Why is it that most people who have never seen a hockey game automatically assume that it's a bunch of Neanderthals skating around trying to maim or murder the other players?

Asking this because I'm sick of the users who answer hockey questions by ripping on on the sport




  1. Because the only experience most people have with hockey is what makes it to the evening news.  And the only time hockey makes it there is if Probert punches a cop or the Staal boys get hammered at a party etc.  Only the negative, away from the rink, parts of hockey get to the general public.  It's a shame because it's a beautiful game.

  2.   they are not canadians or they are stupid.or just want to rile you.

  3. Ignorance- the same reason people can't put a question in the correct category

  4. Because all people hear about is the fights and all they see is the bruises on the face and the teeth missing.  People don't bother to actually go to a game and see how the game is REALLY played.

  5. The reason is that people can't do it.I rip people who take calculus in school because I can't do it.Plus when you look at a picture of Ovie he looks like a caveman so that doesn't help.

    People rip baseball players for ALL being on steroids,basketball and football for ALL being thugs so it's not just hockey that gets stereotyped.It used to be only white guys with sticks played now that stereotype is dying.

  6. Same reason people who don't watch basketball think it is a bunch of gangsta's

  7. Most people don't understand that hockey is a great sport because people often relate it to soccer. Hockey is often portrayed as a bunch of Neanderthals going back and forth trying to score on the other team and in the process beat the snot out of one another. So, people who have never seen hockey don't know how to relate to it and automatically assume its boring, when its actually an entertaining sport.

  8. Ignorance is bliss my friend  

  9. I HATE that every show cartoon watever theres a bunch of 7 foot giants with huge shoulders grunting like a bunch of cavemen Newz flash thats football

  10. Because they're closed minded to the fact where they think NASCAR is the best thing since sliced bread. Come to think of it, they're hypocrites themselves since the whole point of watching NASCAR is for the crashes.

  11. because there all a bunch of girls and couldnt handle playing the sport themselves

  12. Lower scoring games tend to be harder for mass amounts of people to understand; they involve a lot more paying attnetion and you actually have to WATCH the game in order to enjoy it..  not just glance at it every once in a while.

    For example.. if you're watching a football game and you know that your team has the ball at the 50 yard line, then you go talk to a friend or make some food or whatever, and you come back and your team has the ball at the 20 yard line, you know that something good has happened.  Anyone can see "Hey!  My team is moving up the field!  We must be doing good!".  If you wait that same period of time to glance back up to a hockey game, you're just going to see the puck in a different place.  You don't know how it got there, what happened in between, who has the momentum, how long the current lines have been out, etc.

    Hockey is pretty 'abstract' game, for lack of a better term.  It's not like football or baseball where everyone takes a 30 second break between plays to think about what's going to happen next.  There aren't coaches calling all the shots and the game isn't dominated by X's and O's the way football is.

    Short answer, as someone already said: people don't like hockey because they don't understand it.

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