
Why is it that Obama's kids are off limits but not Palin's daughter?

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  1. palin has not  done anything to keep her kids lives private. She probably doesnt know how.

    and being from a remote country that still uses dial-up, she has NO idea what the internet is really like.  

  2. They are not.

    Obama has also said Gov. Palin's daughter is off limits.

    Any staffer commenting will be fired.

    He is not responsible for Swift Boat attacks, just as President Bush and McCain are not responsible.


    That Bill answer was funny.

  3. Because Palin is the one who chose to trot her daughter out in defense of the charge trig wasn't hers instead of simply obtaining the papers from her doctor to show her visitation to the hospital where Sarah Palin delivered the child.  Without it no one would even have known or have been asking about Bristol's current pregnancy

  4. Obama can stand up in front of everyone and say "leave Plain's children alone" all he wants, but does anyone believe he really means it? I don't. I think he wants the public and the media to drag her and her family through the mud every chance they get. After all, if they are dragging up some info on her they may just leave him alone for a while.

  5. Uhh to the candidates and the media.  Opinions are a two way street. Not something that just works for you.

  6. Erm... Obama himself said that discussion of Palin's daughter is not appropriate.

  7. Obama has already publicly stated that he will fire any of his staff who comment on this situation.

  8. It proves that liberals are hyprocrites.

  9. Fine point but what could you possibly have to say against obama's children's  character?

    "He's got black Babies?" Well, thats true...

    line of attack was already used successfully by Bush against Mccain..

    its sewer politics...nobody is attackign her except on here

  10. You want to pick on little girls? Go ahead. Mrs Palin is against s*x education and look what happens to her daughter. Chickens have a strange way of coming home to roost

  11. Liberal hypocrisy. I see liberals leaving out the fact the obamas mother was equally unmarried and about the same age when he was conceived..

  12. Get your question straight and maybe we can actually answer it:

    Obama said the following:

    "...In Monroe, Mich., Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama condemned rumors involving the children of candidates and echoed the McCain campaign argument. Said Obama: "I think people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits..."

    Obama and his campaign will not make an issue of Bristol Palin's pregnancy.  However, people in the country will definitely make their own judgments about it.  That is just a fact of life.  People on Yahoo! Answers will have some fun making fun of John McCain's pick for VP, but that is just Yahoo! Answers and has nothing to do with the campaigns.

  13. I agree with the Justine (above).  It's not about Sara Palin's daughter.  This is about the hypocrisy of Sara Palin.

    On another YA answer question a poster did slander the youngest daughter of Obama.  Of course I gave him a thumbs down.  Totally inappropriate.

  14. If one of Obama's kids were pregnant, or got caught shop-lifting, or smoking dope it would be the lead story on Rush, Hannity, and FOX Breaking News.

    Palins daughter got pregnant at 17, and she is unmarried. The Headlines tomorrow will be Hurricane Gustav hits Louisiana, Hurricane Bristol heads for the Twin Cities.  

  15. dayll be little spoild' hoze suun

    but in evil Commie Obama america we lose press freedom

    so we cant say nuthin bad

    COMMUNISTS STAY AWAY MCCAIN PALIN 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Because everyone knows that his kids belong to Bill Clinton. And who can be mad at ol Bill?  

  17. Because if they were brought into the mix then we would be racists.

  18. Obama's kids aren't pregnant and they're been in the public eye longer.  They're also younger than Bristol.  Palin is new and everyone is scrambling for scandal.

    Also, this isn't a question of sin, it's a question of hypocrisy coming from a potential VP.

  19. They aren't. It's the right who is screaming that Palin's kids are off limits. Nobody really cares about Obama's kids, they're typical kids. Palin seems to be trying to embody some kind of holy mother stuff, and she is the one putting her kids in every photo op. She's asking for it. Nothing is off limits.  

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