
Why is it that Politicians portray things like...?

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g*y marriage and abortion as "issues" in America when the real issues are the wars in Russia and Iraq, gas prices, education, jobs going overseas, the falling economy, racism, helping the homeland, etc.? How come when ever someone talks about politics, these "issues" come up? I thought I lived in the United States of America, where people are "free" to do as they wish as long as it is abiding by the laws. Why do some people care if two men or two women get married? The Bible this and the Bible that, God says this and that and BLAH BLAH BLAH! No person knows what God says or wants. "Its in the Bible..." So? Who wrote the Bible? God? Nope. Men who said that God spoke to them...these days, they would be put in a psych ward. Its called Schizophrenia. The reason there is even intolerance for g**s is because of politics. Some say its ok, some say its wrong. The same for black and white couples. I think you should love who you love no matter what and you should be allowed to marry who you love. We are all people right? Politicians need to worry about important stuff. Obama and McCain need to give us their straight views on things that REALLY MATTER. I want to know if I have a son, will we be at war still and will he be drafted. i want to know am I going to have to work 2 jobs to put gas in the tank and 2 jobs to pay bills and put food on the table. Does anyone else feel the same?




  1. It is personal issues, liberals know it, and conservative s know it. Mixing religion and government as always found its flaws, but John McCain knows that he needs to press the abortion issue to pull more voters away from Obama. The entire conservative election this year has become a political stunt. Just look at his VP, Palin, who he talked to ONE TIME (fact, look it up) before nominating her. What can the two possibly know about each other. The whole thing is ridiculous, and the fact that conservatives would have hailed Oprah Winfrey jsut as much as Palin if she was VP just further demonstrates the stuborness within our country to hold party segregation, at the cost of American prosperity.

  2. Abortion has been an issue since Roe V Wade. Abortion and g*y marriage have become huge issues in recent years because the social conservatives now have political clout. Yes, these are personal matters, that is why they call them "wedge" issues: The GOP uses them as a wedge to get the social conservatives to the polls. Its all about getting votes. Once in office we then know what happens, they can't do much to change law regarding personal matters as these are constitutional in nature, so they bring forth their real agenda: Stripping environmental and corporate regulations: Trashing the enviorment and economy to favor the already wealthy, meddling in foreign affairs of oil rich countries and finding reasons to use military force to feed the MIC....Its a racket

  3. A lot of the voters don't understand politics, the economy or foreign affairs. Everyone understands simple emotional issues.

    Politicians use them to drive an emotional wedge between the voters and their opponent. Hence the name "wedge Issues".

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