
Why is it that Prince Charles will never be King of England?

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Why is it that Prince Charles will never be King of England?




  1. He would be King if his mother, Queen Elizabeth, would pass him the crown.  I don't think she's very happy with Charles and therefore will not pass the crown.  Or, maybe she doesn't want to give up the glory with being Queen.  About 10 or 15 years ago, she said she would not give him the crown, but would instead give it to his oldest son, Prince William.  Maybe she's waiting for him to become mature enough for the crown.

  2. because he will be King of the United Kingdom, as opposed to just England.

    [/smarty pants]

  3. He will be.  He's been training for the job all his life.

  4. He will be queen when Elizabeth dies. Wouldn't it be cool if Helen Mirren took her place and no one noticed?  Just a thought.

  5. Prince Charles is next in line to the throne so when old Lizzy dies, he'll be king. Here's a list of the Royal line of succession:

    1 - HRH Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales

    2 - HRH Prince William of Wales, Son of Prince Charles

    3 - HRH Prince Henry of Wales (Prince Harry)

    4 - HRH Prince Andrew, The Duke of York

    5 - HRH Princess Beatrice of York, daughter of Prince Andrew

    6 - HRH Princess Eugenie of York, daughter of Prince Andrew

    7 - HRH Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex

    8 - Lady Louise Windsor, daughter of Prince Edward

    9 - HRH Princess Anne, The Princess Royal

    10 - Master Peter Phillips, son of Princess Anne

    11. Miss Zara Phillips, daughter of Princess Anne

    12 Viscount Linley, son of Princess Margaret

    13. Charles Armstrong Jones, Viscount Linley's son

    14. Lady Sarah Chatto, daughter of Princess Margaret

    15. Samuel Chatto, Princess Margaret's grandson

    ...I have no idea how that is decided.

  6. He messed up his home life and if you can't manage your own family then you don't qualify to rule the world or at least the Commonwealth!

  7. Legally he's still the next in line however he is quite unpopular in the UK and US. And he's been pretty unpopular for some time, I never really liked him myself.

    Alot of people either believe or want him to die before the Queen does so that the more popular Prince William could be king (like Diana apparently wanted) and if not that they feel like Charles should step aside for William.

    However, I've read some people on royal forums complain about some of William's recent behaviors (reportedly) and they want William to step aside for Harry. And you know the more we complain about what we don't like about the royals and the more we are going to say so and so should step aside for so and so until there's no one left to step aside for.

    Yes Charles may abdicate on his own or even die before the Queen dies but chances are he will have a few years on the throne, probably not as long as the Queens but if his grandmother and mother can live to be 100 or more, chances are he can too.

  8. Cause he killed Diana in every single way a man can kill a princess!

    The man is about the most popus *** I ever seen in my entire life.. and I met the man and he is very much shy of a kings jester let alone a king.

    The whole of the monarque is a entire fake and faulse you may as well believe Jesus is the lord Astgfarallah if you still need a Queen and a King... how sad.. I thought the days of slavery where over... surely they have more slaves there than anyone on the face of the earth...FREE THE SLAVES!

  9. He WILL be King when his mother (the Queen) dies.

  10. He will be King of England once his mother passes away.

  11. Becasue the Queen isn't dead yet and never will be . I don't think he'll ever get a chance on the throne. Queens have a longer life unlike Kings.

  12. I don't know where you got that idea. Prince Charles is the Prince of Wales, the official heir to the throne. The only legal reason that he could not inherit, is if he married a Roman Catholic, which he did not do. When Her Majesty the Queen passes, he will become king.

    The succession is clearly set out by law. The Queen has no choice in the matter, she cannot pass the crown to anyone else, even if she wanted to. And she clearly doesn't, Charles has been groomed for the job all his life.

  13. Because his mother will not die. Seriously hes probably been waiting for years that's how that whole reign of power transfer goes the head of your family has to die for you to take power.

  14. Prince Charles will be the next on the throne along with his dog, I mean his wife who will be queen.

  15. The Prince of Wales is the eldest son of The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh. Born in 1948, he is heir apparent to the throne.

    The Prince of Wales married Mrs Camilla Parker Bowles on 9 April 2005 at a civil ceremony at the Guildhall in Windsor, followed by a service of prayer and dedication in St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.

    After the wedding, Mrs Parker Bowles became known as HRH The Duchess of Cornwall. When The Prince of Wales accedes to the throne, she will be known as HRH The Princess Consort. (read: Camilla will never be Queen)

    The succession to the throne is regulated not only through descent, but also by Parliamentary statute.

    The order of succession is the sequence of members of the Royal Family in the order in which they stand in line to the throne.

    The basis for the succession was determined in the constitutional developments of the seventeenth century, which culminated in the Bill of Rights (1689) and the Act of Settlement (1701).

    When James II fled the country in 1688, Parliament held that he had 'abdicated the government' and that the throne was vacant. The throne was then offered, not to James's young son, but to his daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange, as joint rulers.

    It therefore came to be established not only that the Sovereign rules through Parliament, but that the succession to the throne can be regulated by Parliament, and that a Sovereign can be deprived of his title through misgovernment.

    The succession to the throne is regulated not only through descent, but also by statute; the Act of Settlement confirmed that it was for Parliament to determine the title to the throne.

    The Act laid down that only Protestant descendants of Princess Sophia - the Electress of Hanover and granddaughter of James I - are eligible to succeed. Subsequent Acts have confirmed this.

    Parliament, under the Bill of Rights and the Act of Settlement, also laid down various conditions which the Sovereign must meet. A Roman Catholic is specifically excluded from succession to the throne; nor may the Sovereign marry a Roman Catholic.

    The Sovereign must, in addition, be in communion with the Church of England and must swear to preserve the established Church of England and the established Church of Scotland. The Sovereign must also promise to uphold the Protestant succession.

    Line of succession


    1.   The Prince of Wales

    2.   Prince William of Wales

    3.   Prince Henry of Wales

    4.   The Duke of York

    5.   Princess Beatrice of York

    6.   Princess Eugenie of York

    7.   The Earl of Wessex

    8.   The Lady Louise Windsor

    9.   The Princess Royal

    10. Mr. Peter Phillips

    11. Miss Zara Phillips

  16. Cause he's a QUEEN?

  17. The Queen said that she will not let her people down when she was crown Queen, and yes she will live to a very great age. Prince Charles will be king some day, if he's still alive.

  18. Because he divorced Diana and remarried Bowles. Head of the Church of England can not be divorced(I think), so throne will pass on to Prince William.

  19. >>About 10 or 15 years ago, she said she would not give him the crown, but would instead give it to his oldest son, Prince William.<<

    I don't know your source, but it was no one who understands government or monarchy. The Queen has never said this. Nor would she. The Queen makes nice speeches and never gives interviews. If Charles outlives her, he will be King. Period.

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