
Why is it that Ronald Reagan won two landslide presidential elections?

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  1. he won in two landslides because is is probably the greatest leader to ever grace the earth

  2. Because Ronald Reagan was the F*CKING BOLLOCKS!!!  

    P.S. How are you O cause of my smittenness?

  3. Because he was running against someone like Obama.

  4. Timmy took the words right out of my mouth!

  5. The same reason Obama's going to win in a landslide.  His predecessor was a horrible president and he gave great prepared speeches.

  6. Because Ronald Reagan loved the United States and everything she stood for.

  7. Despite the religious right tainting of conservatism and now the neo-cons tainting of it with big government, America is by far and large a conservative country and Reagan was a great conservative.

    Plus running against Carter and Mondale helped spread the margin.

  8. Two separate questions, of course.

    The Jimmy Carter years weren't exactly happy ones. Let's see - inflation and unemployment were high, which wasn't supposed to be possible. Our national pride was battered by the Iraq hostage crisis. Carter gave the impression that the job was too big for one person. Once people figured out that Reagan wasn't an awful person -- which, people forget, came in the last few days of the campaign -- he won going away.

    In 1984, the Federal Reserve had guided us through a recession that broke the back of inflation. America's military was perceived as stronger. Reagan was able to command respect. And, don't forget, Reagan had been shot early in his term and rebounded nicely, which earned him sympathy. Mondale never had a chance.

    Overall, the campaign is often won by the candidate with the sunnier, more upbeat attitude. In both 1980 and 1984, that was Ronald Reagan.

  9. best prez america ever had since george washington

  10. Ive heard of those camps, soooo scary!

  11. He had good speech writers.

    And come now, McCain is not going to put you in a re-education camp.

  12. Because people are likely to re-elect presidents during uncertain world events.  They stick with the perceived safer crowd.  That's why McCain will most likely win.

  13. because ronald reagan was the most ******* awesome person ever. period.

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