
Why is it that Saudis need protection from other country's?

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Saudis are very rich and live very lavishly, among many others things I have seen and been told. So why is it they have not built there own military to protect themselves?




  1. Because they need to protect their wealth from terrorists like israel or North Korea or Cuba

  2. That's a very good question, well my guess is that they prefer to pay somebody else through oil to defend them, rather than  sacrifice their precious males.

    Them ragheads dont got the guts to toe no freaking line..are you kiddin'. May they choke on their oil.

  3. They invest a large portion of their money into America.

    Why spend money on an army when you have the world's largest DoD by the balls?

  4. They do have military but since they have oil other country's will protect them which means why would they waste their Men in the military when they could have someone protect them.

    *Note: women are not allowed to be in the military and they had the right to drive recently in Saudi Arabia.

  5. This is pretty much the obvious at work:

    --They have lots of petroleum that is easy to access, with very little in the way of wildlife to get in the way,

    --The nation is run by dictators and/or religious fanatics, so the situation socially is close to a powder keg anyway, and

    --Mecca.  It's a rather big city of faith, so if someone were to occupy it, it would be World War III and then some.

    So basically, it's either protect and suck up to the *jerkwads* in charge or have a World War on your hands that would just be *so bad* for that One Percenter/CEO clique profit margin, don't you know?  >_<

    Nah, I don't like it one bit.  I will be *glad* when Peak Oil hits and that part of the world goes *back* to being a meaningless, irrelevant backwater, as appeasement and attention don't seem to *fix anything there*.  Do they?  We cater to them and it all just gets *worse*, nobody learns a damned single thing.

    Maybe people will learn to not train their kids to be murdering nutjobs when they have to *grow their own food* from sand and realize they can't do it, and that the world will no longer *take* their blood money or their attitude.

    Maybe.  I've been wrong before though.  And god forbid if the Companies actually got half a brain on this issue, they're worse than Pavlov's Dog...the drooling goes on 24/7/366.

    Thanks for your time though.

  6. Yeah because they have so much oil money, their ONLY resource, must be protected at all costs.  So they pay others to do their military work for America who went after the Iraqis after Saddam invaded  Kuwait. ...and Gulf War I began.   We had to protect them...or no oil for us.  The Kuwaitis are known for being very rich and very lazy too.  Their money...our blood.  We don't belong there.

  7. b cos they dont want the greedy america to come after them like vampires to rip their precious oil where they have not sown. so they toe the line

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