
Why is it that United States is considered the greatest Country?

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Don't get me wrong, I love this Country, I do however feel that it is over rated. To say that America is the Greatest Country is just crazy. I have been to other Countries that offer their citizens a whole lot more than America. Like Free College, Healthcare for all. Example in Britain You don't have to be homeless, The Country will provide housing for you. You don't have to lose all of your assets because of long term health problems, and no insurance. In America you work hard your whole life. When you get old , and become a burden to your family you are placed in a nursing home. The Nursing home then sucks you dry of your savings, and when that runs out they go after your home and everything else you have worked your whole life for. So the result is that you die with nothing to leave your family. I think that is unfair. Your opinions please




  1. I'm having trouble finding the question.  Yes, I think the USA is a great country.  You are free to pick another country where you have healthcare and won't be homeless.

  2. Go live in Cuba for a year and then report on how bad America is.

  3. Because we are still a free people, that is so far. The GOP is trying to change that an the constitution. So we better stop then now.VOTE OBAMA

  4. Okay, so the lesser of two evils is to live in a country that is ruled by big brother where you are leeched to death from cradle to grave and are considered cattle, instead of living in a country where you are leeched to death by parasitic corporations that equally consider you cattle?

    Might as well pick being leeched to death by parasitic corporations since its that country that has a great system of government and constitution. That system of government and constitution can fix the problems if the people ever get fed up.

    Anyways, the EU is starting to cement and fully solidify. Why? The Lisbon treaty. Once that happens, their big brother is going to crack the whip.

  5. You have just listed off most of the reasons why you should vote for Obama.  In the past eight years, we have lost the meaning of exactly what made America great.  Today, it is a divided land, the Haves and the Have Nots.  The Haves still have jobs, can afford their homes, and support the War that is using most of our money and leaving our country in debt.  The Have Nots are homeless, jobless, many are hungry, and Health Care is so expensive that millions cannot afford it.  Programs for the Elderly are being cut, but the War Chest just keeps growing.  The American Dream is a nightmare, peopled with Corporate bosses and Military might.

    There is hope for the future, because a majority of people are fed up with needless, illegal wars and grabs for Oilfields.  They are fed up with corrupt politics and hate-filled Shock Jocks that rile up certain radical groups.  That's the trouble with radical  ideas, their promoters always forget they are outnumbered.  With a new President who has some compassion and a whole lot of common sense, we will go back to the great America we used to be, only even better.  Yes, we can!

  6. Actually England, France, and other European countries are worse off in ways. There are thought crimes and historians such as David Irving have been put in prison for questioning the Holocaust. They have no free speech. They also have a government, which is oppressive to its indigneous people. If Britain treats its indigneous people so great, why did 200,000 of them migrate last year, a record high for them.  These countries like U.S. have no border and allow illegals to come in, however, in Europe you can not criticize this or if say illegal immigration is bad, it is considered a hate crime. A famous French actress said "Muslims are destroying France," and is currently put on trial for inciting racial intimidation. We still have freedom of speech in U.S. even for whites, yet this may change as Barack Obama advocates policies for restricting free speech (please see his plan for civil rights on his website).

    Other countries have free health care, but this comes at a cost as you will have more moral hazard a.k.a. more abuse of the hospital care when one does not need it and it has very long rates. Free college may be a great thing, however this comes at a high cost as in higher taxes.

    U.S. does have its problems and may fall if Obama is elected president, however at this point Americans still have free speech and gun rights, even those are starting to disappear. Our nations problem is the majority of our taxes go to foreign countries for charity and are military for our overseas empire. We still have ability to legally take are country back through electing the right people if, however, more people like Ron Paul, will run and talk about our freedoms. The American Dream may be disappearing, but still has a little existance that gives incentives to work hard and make it big.

  7. Well I'm the opposite. Im a British guy who thinks the US is the best country. Firstly, it has the best standard of living.

    But more importantly it is the best example of a liberal democracy. The separation of powers and checks and balances allows the most popular soverignty. You also have a Constitution that protects minority rights and place them above the reach of the politicians.

  8. How many Americans pay twelve months of wages to get smuggled to China? The number of Chinese going to America this way is in the thousands.

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