
Why is it that Wives can spend thousands on shoes, clothes, and pleasure but I can't buy a Harley?

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It seems she can fund her sisters vacation, give her adult kids money because the are too lazy and irresponsible to earn their own and spend it responsibly. She buys high priced everything, booze, clothes, trinkets, make up and perfume. I buy maybe $100 a year in clothes and shoes. The rest goes into our home and bills.




  1. Well....................somethin' is keepin' ya there.

  2. i would let u buy a harley

  3. Maybe because she is wearing the pants.

  4. Sounds as if you have knowingly or unknowingly let your wife have the power and control over the finances in your house.  Maybe you should sit down and explain to her how you feel.  It is very possible that she is "afraid that you'll get hurt" because she doesn't know anything about motorcycles...or maybe she's just selfish.  But either way, you are going to have to stay calm and put your foot your bike and be safe!

  5. I understand why a wife wouldn't want her husband to drive a motorcycle, because they can be very dangerous! I think that is the main reason. I don't think it's about the money. your wife though shouldn't be funding her sisters vacation.

  6. Maybe she is worried that you can't handle a Harley and will get hurt. Seriously, she sounds like she is the boss in that relationship.

    Also, who makes the money??

  7. sounds to me like she is spoiled. and the reason she keeps doing this, is b/c you let her. if its your money, i would put a stop to it! tell her there are more important things in life than gucci shoes and prada hand bags. (like bills) if its her money, ya cant really say anything. shes wasting her money and it will catch up to her in time. though i must say, it must be nice to just give money away like that. but, if i could do it, i probably would do it too.

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