
Why is it that a 3 year old boy sucks on ribbon that is attached to his stuffed animal ? Don't get it ?

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He is 3 !!!!! Shouldn't he be playing with something else besides carrying this stuffed animal around sucking on the ribbon , also putting the ribbon right under his nose.....just don't get it ?




  1. He could be using it like a security blanket. It is just a familiar object he likes.

  2. yeah suddenly my kid (3) who never had a pacifier is suckign on his shirt!!!

    dotn get it either!

    he is a very sensory orientated kid- he needs hand on him to sleep

    he needs blankets over him - even in the heat of summer.

    he doesnt like certain materials

    i think he is tryign to be at ease in a strange situation.  or he is bored

  3. it is probably something he does to pacify himself. Just a way he comforts him self. Nothing to worry about.

  4. My husband did that when he was a kid and he said it was a soothing thing.  He found comfort in it.  Hey, it could be worse...when my cousin was a kid he used to put his finger in the cloth manufacturer loops on stuffed animals and twist it tight enough to turn his finger purple...and he goes to Cornell now, so maybe it's a sign of genius?

  5. It's a sensory security thing. If he's yours, then you need to make the rule that his security object stays in his bed and he can only have it at night so it doesn't impair his social development.

  6. it is a sensory comforts him. Try reading a book called "the out of sync child" for more about sensory seeking.

  7. there's something about tags and ribbons and things like that that hang off of their stuffed animals that they like more than anything else. its just like a texture thing

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