
Why is it that a family is considered as a institution of unique social value?

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Why is it that a family is considered as a institution of unique social value?




  1. Without it a society morally decays.And it has happened to empires and nations every time it has come under attack.

  2. family is the basic social nucleus of any community.  thebonding of parents and the child/children is unique in human history.  More so the mother who nurtures / suckles the child from childbirth.  mothers are the first person that chldren learn moral /ethical values - the making of a person starts with mothers / family.  from the presence of family that we learn how the nucleus work, how our feelings of love, compassion and other virtues are developed.  and if parents treat children equally and with equity that family will be more than unique.

    that bond is what makes the family a unique social institution.
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