
Why is it that a lot of people only think to call on God in their darkest hour?

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Do desperate times call for "faithful" measures?




  1. People don't run to their parents for help until they are in trouble either. People don't ask a co-worker for help unless they get stuck. People tend to be self-reliant until that messes up.

  2. People call on God in their darkest hours because they want to be saved by some cosmic being when they think they cant overcome.

  3. You go DJ,

    good answer!

    When there are no distractions and all other things are not there, we do call out to God.  And God bless him that he does not hold that against us.  He is there for us.  I am not proud that I have done the same, but let me tell you, boy did God always make his presence known to me on at least 3 major occasions in my life.  We truly seek Him out then.  Like others have said, we think we can handle ourselves when all is good.  We should praise Him and thank Him in good times.  I do that more often now, and could do even more.

    I think one blessing of desperate times is that God assures me he is really there for me, He really exists, and His relationship with me is the most important thing in my life.  Over all the things I thought was most important.

    I hope you call to Him...whenever you can!

    Bless you...

  4. Simple: when things are going right, no help is needed.

  5. most people find that when they are happy that they do not need God by their side because everyone can handel joy on their own. However pain is something that nibbles at the heart and requires a cane (aka: God, uplifting hand).

  6. People look for help only when they need it. If they don't need help with anything, they will figure it out for themselves.

    I remember in a church class i went to from 7 years old to last year, I was reading the book in class cause the other students took it as a joke and just went cause their parents forced them to. And they wouldn't have gone  if they didn't have to. And neither would I have, then, now I know I should have gone on my own. Anyway in the book it says that "people shouldn't rely on God for everything and should use their own power to figure their problems out." Not in those exact words but you get the picture.

    In Bruce Almighty, the movie, at the end Jim Carey pulls the plug out on this computer and it says that all the people praying to God for their problems need to stop wishing and do something about it. So though it's good to pray every day and what not, people do it for the wrong reasons. they only use God when THEY need him. It is selfish in a sense but forgiveable.

  7. Maybe you can't see Him in the daylight.

  8. When all else fails, in the final analysis.... who else have we????

    I think desperate times call for God's unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and help, which I am pleased to say, usually comes in the nick of time!!

    This has certainly helped me to become on of the faithful. Amen.

  9. ''Religion is an attempt to escape responsibility''

    -Jean Paul Sat re

    so in other words, Religion is like a drug-people come to religion when they need help. Instead of taking responsibility for their own actions; they run to God and make him do the things for them.

    My opinion.

  10. ...little self confidence, big faith in religion...its open 24/7, 365 ready...

  11. Regarding god as a personal genie seems to give some people hope.

  12. Because they have tried all else, and it is their last hope. Or because they believe in a God/Allah or other who will help them.

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