
Why is it that adults shun on teens having s*x?

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Why is it that adults always say "teens shouldn't have s*x", when it's exactly like adults having s*x? If the teens don't plan on having a baby, then whats the difference? I mean, if your going to say "because teens don't know how to use condoms", or "because teens don't know about STD's", your wrong. We (teens) get more s*x-ed classes/lessons than alot of adults would know nowadays. So seriously, whats so bad about it?




  1. It depends on you your talking to ..  

  2. Teens can have s*x when they "don't plan on having a baby" but "safe-s*x" is not 100% foolproof, and when G-d has the last laugh, and the girl becomes pregnant despite the best attempts in taking all necessary precautions in preventing pregnancy, what then should the teens do with the baby soon to be born?

    When ppl are commited to each other for life, then they can fool around with each other and have s*x with one another (after marriage) any other situation is really just causing chaos and confusion 99.9% of the time.

  3. remember your a human being not an animal,alot of people act like animals because they have no morels ,i won't want to marry a person who's been lets say around i know you are young but you have plenty of time,the world is full of whores ,male and female alike don't ruin your respect for the other s*x !

  4. they think we cant make out own choices

    and know when we should and shouldnt.

    its dumb

  5. Hi,

    First, let me say that adults can be extremely hypocritical. I know. I am an adult. However, they can also be speaking from many years of experience. They may also regret some of the decisions they have made when they were young. It may be their wish to protect you from harm. They may also wish for you to enjoy your childhood more than they were able to by helping prevent you from taking on the responsibility that comes with parenthood. When you become a parent, you take on responsibilities that you may have never dreamed of. Your children will place you in positions that you may not know how to handle. Most adults know about the associated risks of teen s*x. There are emotional consequences of teen s*x as well. There are also dangers of potential s*x addiction. The main thing is that, in most cases the adults love you and are only trying to protect you from harm.

    I hope you find these opinions helpful.

  6. s*x is more than physicalness. There is alot of emotion that goes with it.

    However, there are alot of adults who shouldnt be breeding either.

  7. Personally I think adults know what is to happen later in life and look at the bigger picture while teens look at what seems good right now.  I'm proud to say my husband can count the number of women he slept with on his hands.  No birth control is 100%.  It's not easy raising kids and adults know their teen can't do it alone.  Every adult perception is different on it, but the bad out weights the good.  The difference is the adult takes full responsibility for the situation with no help.  The teen will have to depend on their parents to help out with providing for the child. Court can also make the grandparents pay child support.  So its a decision that affect the adults too.  I think adults stress the situation too much and that causes teens to do it more.    

  8. i am 16 and i have s*x with girls who are 20 and mens how are 17-19

  9. its cuz teens are horny kids. their hormones are going through the roof right now and they want to experiment some stuff with all these new feelings coming. horny kids do it like crazy with or w/o protection. as long as everybodys getting some; teen dont really care. they'll have s*x with anyone i guess. adults prolly dont like it cuz horny kids do it alot w/o protection trust me i know theres alot of kids at my school that do it and like ive seen at least 10 girls pregnant just last year....

  10. "were too young" lmao.

    adults are hypocrits. nearly everyone does it before they are 18!

  11. Honestly, some teens I know are better equipped to deal with the dangers of it than adults when it comes to condoms and diseases.  But teens are emotionally charged.  I'm not saying that they can't handle it, but it's often harder for them.  Besides, most teen relationships don't last and one or both people regret having s*x with each other.  

  12. as an adult with a 16 year old son I would like to say a couple of things.

    1)  I was a virgin until I was in college.  I had s*x with a woman I met and did not know.  It was nice and I enjoyed it.  She thought I was 22 when I was 18.  I was flattered.  I regretted it when I got married.  I found it was something I could not take back.

    2)  I grew up on a farm and knew about the mechanics of s*x.  I later learned I knew nothing about the emotions and feelings associated with love.  At 48 I feel I cheated myself.

    3)   I fathered my first child while in the Navy and taking all the precautions.  I also had to be treated for an STD called Chlamydia I got from my partner.

    Statistics can be boring. But the Statistics on teenage pregnancy are alarming

    * Some 560,000 teenage girls give birth each year. Almost one-sixth of all U.S. births are to teenage women.

    * Babies born to young teen mothers have a higher risk of serious health problems.

    * Physical and mental birth defects affect many babies born to very young women. The high rate of teenagers having babies is a national health and social problem that demands attention.

    I give the same advice most parents do.  Abstain, it will be better later when your hormones are more settled.  The reason is not to keep them from having fun but, to allow them to grow and experience the fullness of such a pleasant joining.

  13. What they SHOULD be saying, is that people shouldn't have s*x except with their spouse.  They don't say that, because they want to do it, regardless of the consequences.  They tell you teens have s*x because they know of not just the risk of pregnancy or STD's, but there are a lot of emotional ramifications that are not addressed in school.  The school think that if they show you some video's, and how to put a condom on a cucumber, that you're fine to do it.  They're wrong.  I've only had vaginal s*x with my husband, but we started before marriage, and I would give anything to take it back.  I had oral with one other man, and God knows what I would do take that back.

  14. First of all, you're using the phrase incorrectly - you can shun or avoid something negative, but you don't "shun on" it.

    Secondly, teens having s*x is NOT "exactly like adults having s*x."  The physical act may be the same, but the mental and emotional consequences are far different.

    Few teens *plan* on having babies, yet many still do, despite all their  s*x-ed classes.  The average teen simply does not have the same level of restraint and self-control that the average adult has - certainly there are many exceptions, but as a general rule.  A teen may know full well that protection is good and STDs are bad, but their responsible better judgement may be overruled by their insistent physical urges.

    Sure, some teens can handle s*x responsibly, and some adults are careless about it.  But the average adult at least has had a chance to develop the mental reasoning to control their impulses - teens are still developing physically and mentally, and are at the additional disadvantage of surging hormones.  

    So beware of arrogance, assuming that teens are just like adults and can handle everything that adults can.  It's an unrealistic and unfair expectation.

  15. its because some teens are doing it for peer pressure and not because they want to have s*x or their first time was for love.

    also because of the physical , emotional and mental effects that comes to having s*x.

    its always the bad teens that seem to ruin it for use smart wise teens that just know we are ready.

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