
Why is it that all of the global warming and climate change "scientists" don't let you contact them?

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I was just wondering why when you go to all of these "scientists" profiles you can't email or im them? anybody know? is it just because they are afraid that someone will tell them something that is more reasonable than their theories?




  1. You can get the email addresses of the realclimate climatologists by going to the "people" page:

    and clicking the "more info" link in each bio.

    Don't expect them to respond to unscientific nonsense - they're busy guys.  And they've heard ALL the nonsense.  You might want to check your ideas against the explanations of 26 myths about global warming here:

    That pretty well defines "nonsense" ideas often seen here.

    Note that many of the "skeptical" blogs won't even tell you anything but their name (and sometimes not that).  Realclimate gives you extensive bios, which are very rare on the "skeptics" blogs.  Because they have nothing to talk about.

  2. Nope. Maybe they just don't want to be bothered with a bunch of random emails from people with whack-o anti-theories.

    Actually, it is hard to find an email for any one that is high profile.

    But..if you actually read the scientific literature (not the fox news version), you would see that many of the thousands of scientist working on climate change questions can be contacted.

    But if you really want to debate it, what you should do create your own hypothesis, conduct experiments, collect data, analyze data, interpret data, write it up, and either submit to a peer reviewed journal or present at a meeting.

    Cause that is how it works.

  3. They are scientists and have membership in a large community of  highly educated people with a grasp on the same subjects.  Their views are constanstly under scrutiny, but unfortunately it isn't by the average person, but by corrupt politicians who have corporations in their back pocket and don't care about the environment.  They probably aren't interested in talking to people with little education and plenty of brainwashing.  They have more important things to do.  That's not to say there isn't also a green lobby, but both democrats and republicans are owned by corporate interests for the most part and the blur of confusion between the two is just a smokescreen made to confuse people who think the two party system is working.

  4. have you ever been cyber stalked? its not nice...

  5. I'm not sure how true or not the availability of such scientists but besides being very busy I'm sure they probably don't like getting harassed by people whose attitude is the equivalent of believing the world is flat.

    They are not in the business of nor have the time to argue nonsense with laymen. Instead they are having all their work time plus taken up with developing the data, coming up with conclusions, being reviewed by like peers, and then only then presenting their findings to the world.

  6. Most likely to avoid hate mail.  That and they probably get tired of Joe Doe working as a weather man for the local news telling them they are wrong about the subject they spend a good portion of their life studying.

  7. Because they can't justify why they are saying that we are warming when we aren't....  You will not see any of them debating on television because there is absolutely NO SCIENCE behind their theory.  They have speculated, altered facts, fudged numbers and even overlapped a few graphs in order to make you think that there is a global warming problem...  When there is no global warming or climate change problems....

    You know what is so absolutely funny...  They still use, for example, the costs of global warming in respect to catastrophes when they have long proved that hurricanes and tornados have absolutely no correlation with global warming or climate change.

    So, catastrophes in the 30's cost this country 10 million dollars, whereas today catastrophes cost a billion dollars....

    How much was a house in the 30's?  Just axing....  That is how stupid they absolutely think we are...  Seriously!  They capitalize on us being dumb.  Without us being total morons, they got absolutely no case at all.

  8. If you stick your head in the sand as some of them do, you need not listen to the truth.

  9. have you seen the banter going on here ?

    If you were a scientist would you like this lot to pester you all day and night ????????????????

  10. Might be if they started to explain, they can't complete in their expected time.


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