
Why is it that all the leaders of America never really stayed home to fix their own home country?

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Here you are 2008 and the house of cards is falling down and your asking John McCain & Obama to fix it and they got no glue what in the h**l can they do "




  1. Kid, the house of cards isnt falling down.  our country is so rich and well off that homeless people are over weight.  think about it, it is very easy to survive in this nation, to easy.  All of our problems are pretty minor compared to other people thoughout history.  Even if you live off welfare you still have AC and a color tv.

  2. Because if they fixed their home country, the big business that helped get them elected would suffer.  They would not be able to get re-elected.  The answers are their but are messy or inconvenient.....

  3. That's an easy one.

    The US is the most successful country in the world.  Our problems are minuscule compared to most of the rest of the world.

    Also, we tried to ignore the rest of the world for a few hundred years.  We kept being dragged into all of these conflicts, wars that were not our creation, famine, bankrupt dictatorships, millions of people being slaughtered etc.

    We finally said enough, we won't be isolationists anymore. We must be proactive in the world to bring positive changes.

    Today, World starvation is half of what it was 30 years ago.  The world economy has improve beyond our wildest imaginations.

    Crime is hitting all time lows.  Wars are at an all time low in history.

    People all over are no longer merely accepting of their dictatorships, they are questioning the adequacy of their government.

    Free elections are becoming more of the norm rather than the exception.

    Yes dvplanetwaves, the world is definitely a better place today since we took over.  I'm sure your going to belly ache about how some things still need improving.

    In some places there are still starvation's, genocide's etc.

    We have a ways to go, but compared to 50 years ago, we're rockin'.

  4. "Kid, the house of cards isnt falling down. our country is so rich and well off that homeless people are over weight."

    Um, have you looked at our country lately?  I can only assume you are a 'kid' yourself with no real grasp on where this country is and where it's going.  Gas is outrageous, healthcare is absurd, everything is expensive, the dollar is the weakest d**n currency on the market, much weaker than the euro and yen anyway, our unemployment is at levels not seen since the 80's, and last I looked, our homeless (although smelly and dirty) have never been 'overweight.'  I would like, rather LOVE, our country to back off being the global policeman that it is and focus on US for a change.  We're always running off to foreign areas to 'help this country' and give a 'hand to that one.'  Half of them don't like us, half of them don't even want our help, let alone our presence (think Myanmar).  We need to refocus our resources and the overwhelming generosity displayed to other countries and apply them here.  By the way, I think the house of cards began to fall when that "Joker" card was put on top of it not once, but twice.  I have no idea what Obama or McCain can do, h**l, they may very well not know either, but we can't keep going the way we've been.  Hopefully (and I say this very guardedly), we have learned something from the last 8 years.  11/09:  End of an Error.

  5. Ahhh, somebody else has asked the 64 million question. They can not nor will they try to fix our currency problem, ya' know honest weights and measures.

    The traitors have de-industrialized  our America over the last 35 years. Thats by design. Our monetary

    situation is worse.  They don't want to FIX anything here in America, they want Us destroyed. Period!

  6. From your pathetic vantage point it may seem that way but with your countries 15% unemployment and social problems it would be nice for you to see the neigbors shiny new car has a scratch in it.

    Were insured, and you piece of **** country is irrelevant.

    Sleep tight.

  7. Step aside, if they want this country fixed. Ask the women, if you want the home fixed you have to do it yourself.

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