
Why is it that ambulances got the letters backwards?

by  |  earlier

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i've always wanted to know...any ideas?




  1. Os uoy nac daer ti ni ruoy raer weiv srorrim.

    Hope that helps.

  2. So when people look in their rearview mirrors, they can read the word "ambulance"

  3. That is for people in front,  

    When you look in your rear view mirror, it will look normal to you because it is written backwards on the Ambulance

  4. So that other vehicles will see the letters in the rear view mirror correctly.

  5. so you can read it from your rear view mirror

  6. The "rear view mirror" reason is the correct one, but, I consider it pretty useless since the flashing lights and deafening siren gives another pretty good clue that the vehicle trying to pass is SOME kind of emergency vehicle.

    Why don't police cars and fire trucks have an identifying decal, spelled backwards?

  7. So that you can read it from your rear-view mirror.

    ECNALUBMA - Looking at the truck.

    AMBULANCE - Looking through your rear-view mirror.

  8. so you can read it in the rear view really should say get the F*CK OUT OF THE WAY tho

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