
Why is it that as human beings we're taught to go against our primal instincts?

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Why is that we're taught to work against our primal instincts when their so effective. For one week's time I've been trying to live as much by instinct as possible, going with the urges so to speak. Ei, being more agressive, going after things more intently, thinking things through less, and going with gut feelings.

I've found that during this past week that's worked out better than if I delayed my reaction thanks to thinking things through. If this can improve things like it did and it's more natural, why are we as human beings taught to go against it? Why are we taught to repress our urges and instincts?




  1. Because not everyone is a "good person" and if they just spoke without thinking about what they were going to say it would not be "socially acceptable".

  2. We are human beings, intelectually and emotionally

    superior to any other animal. We are able to reason

    complex thoughts.

    Our innate instincts are still intact.

    We are born into a civilized society and must learn

    thru education and rearing, that acting upon pure

    instinct is not the best way to go.

    Pure instincts and gut feelings must be tempered

    by  basic rules that we, as a society, must live by.

    To be succesful in this society, you as a member of

    this society, are free to listen to, and act upon your

    instincts as long as you don't violate the rules.

    The power to reason things out trumps instinct.

    It is imperetive that you be fair and just.

    It all adds up to having a conscience.

    Knowing what's right and wrong.

    Once you find a balance between intelect and instinct,

    I assure you, you will be who ever and whatever you

    want to be.

    Hope this helps.

  3. because being civilized seems to work better for most of is quite natural for animals to mate in the street, but I don't really want to step over you in the street......and the puddles of urine you leave are a source of disease for others, so I'd appreciate you using a toilet.....gee thanks!

  4. Impulsive decisions usually get us in trouble.

  5. So I guess your gut feelings probably also advise you that they are indeed "primal instincts" and not from the operant or classical conditioning that most mammals, reptiles and even invertebrates are driven by to make the associations between stimuli and responses. The question is whether someone is really "taught" to do these things or if instead they learn that avoiding deliberative action is not instrumental in achieving their goals. The pursuit of "gut" feelings you are describing would be called expert intuition if you spent any effort developing it; which you suggest you have no intention of doing. In this case, it's just self absorbed ignorance. Fast cognition that leads to such expertise takes work in any environment since assumptions must be made, evaluated, deployed and either elaborated or discarded depending on the outcome. It takes even more work in an environment that changes frequently. The shorthand term for this whole process is called "learning". You must exist in an extremely simple realm, or are easily satisfied with vacuous ambitions, for in the majority of the world, the empty headed behavior you are advocating is selected out or exploited with no hesitation.

  6. You got it. Thats how the world is turning to. The so called civilization is increasingly restricting the humans from one thing to another. A little discipline is better, a good discipline is very good but nowadays is going from good to fanatic levels and restricting humans in every other activity. Restricting people from getting married before certain age , forcibly sending children to school whether they like it or not etc , etc . As you rightly stated these restrictions are against our primal instincts and it is certainly hurting all of us but the only thing is due to the dynamic day to day life we just ignore them.

  7. Because we are made of two components, one animal and the other is spiritual. We are essentially spirit housed in a physical form so that we have the tools with which to accomplish our spiritual tasks.  (e.g. doing good deeds etc.)

    In addition, what if we just felt like killing someone, even justifiably so? Should we just go act on our urges and instincts? .... Or, what if you just wanted someone else's wife and just took her, would it be o-k for one to take your significant other because they felt like it?   Suppose you had a business,  or a business idea, would you be happy if someone stole it from you?   Something to think about

  8. Only animals go by instinct and we have been conditioned to believe that we are superior to animals so following your instinct seems to be uncivilized.We have also been taught by way of religion and society that are natural instincts are evil and wrong and as the superior beings that we believe we are we should go against nature.

    I think people do this because they really want to believe that they are not animals.

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