
Why is it that as soon as you pay your car off the service engine light comes on or something breaks down?

by  |  earlier

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I paid my car off last week and I kid you not, my service engine light came on the same day. Oh, and the day my title arrived, someone scratched the c**p out of my bumper.




  1. It's called planned obsolescense.

  2. Happens to a lot of us.Three days after I made my last payment on a car,the transmission broke.

  3. Because you've likely never done a l**k of maintenance to your car since you've had it now all that neglect is coming back to bite you on the ***  

  4. Because most people get ridiculously long car loans 5+ years, so by the time it is paid off it's in need of major maintenance because the owner didn't do the regular maintenance at the intervals recommended by the manufacturer.  

  5. it always seems to happen that way, the day we paid our stratus off a shopping cart hit the door and did 300 bucks worth of damage to it,and the radio stopped playing the same day ,some say its coincidence,who knows,i know its always this way when one is paid for,maybe that will be all that will happen to it,good luck.

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