
Why is it that bars and clubs have parking lots if drinking and driving is illegal?

by Guest65369  |  earlier

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  1. Good question.

    Thats what I wonder.

    My grandpa oftenly get drunk in bars, then ask for pills to reduce his drunkness.

  2. People are usually escorted by a designated driver, to make clubbing more convenient.

  3. It is hoped that bar patrons will drink responsibly and keep their blood alcohol level under the legal limit.

  4. Just because you go to a club does not mean that you have to drink.  I can see what you mean about the bar.. in a way.

  5. Drinking and driving isn't exactly illegal.  You have to have a blood-alcohol percentage of 0.08 to be drunk in most states.  People can sometimes drink a couple, or even several drinks before they hit that level.

    Bars and clubs are businesses.  The less parking you have, the less business you'll get.

  6. designated drivers.

    and some people just go for one or two drinks, not to get sloshed, so their BAC is lower than .08 which is the legal limit.

    and the employees have to park somewhere.

    but i'd say its mostly for d.d.'s.

  7. For the staff that work there, for people who dont drink(yes they do go to bars/clubs also), for the person who is the designated driver. Also, for delivery vans to drive into so they dont clog up the roads.

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