
Why is it that cartons of milk in Spain are boxed together in dozens and not tens as the continent is metric

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most things in the supermarket are in tens except milk which is packed in twelve to a carton.




  1. That's a good question. I'm an Australian and we've been fully metric for many years and milk and other products (the ones in square or rectangular packages) are packed in dozens here too. The reason seems to be that 12, being divisible by more numbers than 10, is a good base number to use for filling a carton efficiently with square/rectangular packages. You can have 2 rows of 6 or 3 rows of 4 depending on the individual package size. If 10 is the base, 2 rows of 5 is the only alternative. Any other arrangement leaves excess space in some rows. If the packages are round, 10 works as well as 12.

  2. Because the cows have 12 **** and it is easier to fill 12 cartons istead  than 10... in one if it hapens the cow to have 13 neeples...that creates a big problem in the production line...then a baquet is placed under the thirteen neeple & the farm employees drink all day the extra milk...that's why the price of milk is so high ....nothing is getting waisted.

  3. Probably for the same reasons that hotdogs come in packets of 10, and hotdog rolls come in packets of 12.

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